Couple of noobie questions for you vets

Hey all just started playing and have a few general noob questions, and would appreciate the help.

1- Is the infinte “,” key still work? It shows infinite but I am still counting down. Am I doing something wrong?

2- Once I build a home how do I prevent players from destroying it?

3- Can I destroy other player buildings? And if I do or am able to will they know who did it?

4- Is there like a flagging system in this game like there is in other type surival / crafting mmo’s?


  1. Yes it still works but NOT for beacon plots or any type of arrows
  2. you need a beacon and beacon plots
  3. if they are in beacons NO, if they are not YES (everything outside a beacon can be destroyed). don’t do it … be a good person … not a bad one
  4. don’t know what a “flagging system” is … can you make an example ?

1- infinite mode also does not mean infinite crafting- you still have to gather resources to craft more things.
4 - no, there is not a flagging system at this time however, if you’re caught doing bad things like griefing in game, know that there is a special place in hell for you… one reserved especially for griefers, people who talk in movie theaters, and child molesters.


What does infinite mode mean then? I thought it meant you have infinite resources which would then mean infinite crafting items that contain said infinite since? Please enlighten me.

you have infinite resources for BUILDING … not for crafting …
you can place every block you like (expect beacons) with no limit … crafting on the other side consumes your resources … if you need something just place it with infinite mode ON as often as you need it and harvest it after that … you can muliply what every you like (expect beacons, arrows, lava and water).

it’s a pre-alpha feature and infinite mode will be removed till the final game so you need to work with it like it is … a concession from the devs !!!


You think someone is hacking, so you report them from an ingame menu.<(for ex)

I think he ment flagging like “Fragged for pvp”, “flagged for duelling”, … in other MMOs like WoW, Wildstar & co. you can set a flag on yourself to be able to pvp, but also a target for pvp then … to remove it you may have to wait a while or go to a special place. As long as you are flagged other people se a sign or title on you that indicates that you are at pvp-mode.

It’s the easiest but also most boring way to introduce a pvp system into a pve world ^^ … I would love to have seperated pve and pvp worlds ingame with no need for flags (may be only for duels).

on the official server they will remove it. but on privat server you can use it maybe ^^ (i hope that they dont cancel privat server)


As long as this private (also rented) worlds are not connected to the main game why not? :wink: … Not that this would be hard to introduce through a mod.

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i have open a new topic over privat server here