Create rectangular map from rented world

As the title says, I am looking for a function / mod / tool to create a complete rectangular world map from my rented planets. Is there something like this somewhere?


Perma worlds are here:

@james can the maps be generated client side or are they something that has to be pulled from server data?

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Yes, I do know of the 50 perma maps. I am looking for a tool / way to get my rented planet map. Thanks so much.

Generating the maps at 1:1 pixels:blocks (lod0) is a manual process that James does on the offline backups created during the process of a game update.


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The easiest way is probably to look at the planet in the sky and rip the texture from graphics memory using ninja ripper: Ninja Ripper v1.7.1 [GameBanana] [Modding Tools]

Keep in mind that even though the LOD for the API is a power of 2 divisor of 4608 (the world size), the game uses linear interpolation to scale the texture to be a power of 2 size for graphics card purposes (1024x1024). what this means is that there is a 4.5:1 block:pixel ratio.

Another option is to call the API directly. zerosanity did some investigation on this a while back, so it may be out-dated, but it could be used to get a slightly higher resolution image. The lowest LOD that you can pass to this API is 2. which would mean 2^2:1 block:pixel ratio (or 4:1)

Here is his work:

Good luck!

  • This mostly makes sense to me
  • I understood some of this
  • I didn’t understand most of this
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also the maps are all square

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All squares are rectangles