DeeBee Reach out~ [Solved]

Hello! I am trying to reach the player DeeBee, does anyone know this person? We ran into one of their builds underground and was wondering if they would be willing to claim on the surface so we can have the road go through the area?

If anyone knows this person, we are trying to reach them. They have 2 really deep homes-- that appear to be very low underground. The beacons are lit and they at one point had portals to them.

Planet in question: Refgar

Thank you!!!
Nonie_the_pup#0214 on discord


Still looking for this player. Anyone know who they are?

They have a shop at tiggs tunnels on trung. I just saw them post a message in the trade channel a few hours ago :slight_smile:

Sent them a message that you’re looking for them, hope i get a response :slight_smile:

Since the player is unreachable in game, I’ll try another method. Perhaps the devs can help.

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she is available always on xa frant but even sending messages i get no reply , i will face the person maybe that helps…

but …

u wont have to count on this since its not a rule breaking thing

I tried typing to her as well. But got no reply. This is now 6-7 2x3 plots down near mantle throughout my city that-- it looks like griefing to prevent people from building, but it’s not officially breaking any rules to do… It’s mildly annoying however.Since nothing is on the surface you have to run around in plot view to see these 2x3 boxes.

And-- I appreciate your optimism in depending on the developers. It’s not breaking the rules, but trying to reach out to the person is maybe helpful.

when i see her ill make sure to see the person and will keep you updated :wink:

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“if” they have parental controls on they may not be able to respond even if they want to.

this is possible. I hadn’t thought of that. But yeah-- Just trying to ask them a question. I tried waving, texting, reaching out on forums-- they aren’t on discord-- I don’t know. HOST said they live on XaFrant, and has tried reaching out to them to help. I am just at a loss of what else to do.

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Have you tried teaching out on trade channel. E.g. deebee can you use private messages?

I see probably 10 messages a day advertising glass for sale on trung so they obviously use that a lot…not sure if they can see or reply to chat still, but maybe they can see messages in public channels and try communicate that way (not ideal for anyone I know)

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I whispered used channel even said to check forum also said to check forum or to add me on discord or whatever nothing yet

I was able to whisper in game. They said it was an underground mining network that never took off. “There shouldn’t be too many in my city” Either way I have gotten ahold of them.