Deluxe goodies?

anyone else get the ps4 deluxe goodies soundtrack…etc? just seeing who has it and if anyone heard anything on them ?

I thought we were supposed to have them. But mine still haven’t appeared.

Hi guys,

You will have the in game perks (you can check this by opening your character menu and selecting your character name, if your “status” says “Voyager”, the Digital Deluxe Edition perks have been applied.

However, we have seen a few reports recently about the Soundtrack not being there. On your PS4 go to “Library” > “Purchases” and you should see it there.

If not, please message me your region and we’ll investigate why this is happening.

How do you change TEXT COLOR on PC for chat? I am Gleam Club and cannot figure it out.

Jiviita has video about it

The fact that I had to google to find this information out proves that this is overly complicated…

Can you just make a R-click menu on the chat box with the other chat settings?

Seems fairly simple…

Cant find sountrack ps4

me either and im in tx