Dev world?

i wonder is the dev world made yet

no the dev world still not exist atm

That’s not entirely true. The dev world is simply not connected to the public world listing. It likely never will be. Most likely route is dev world (or worlds) will be a part of a separate listing which only players with dev world access package may connect to. Even then, only Oortian tier players will actually be allowed to live there. :cry:

ok now i have a question too XD

if a dev world exist, normal all from wayfarer to master has access to the dev world and can visit it but can do nothing.
and the oortian can not only enter, he can enter and build there.
this all you can read here

atm i had a pioneer account and i cant see the dev world.

is it possible to join the dev world ?

Not currently - that world is something we probably won’t see until the game releases


We do have some development / staging worlds online - but they’re nothing special. Mostly copies of the worlds already published that we use for testing.

The Developers’ World Access will be super rad and will be online in the future.