Devs and removing plots

I’m not sure were to look for the ingame rule but I see more people complaining about people plotting to ruin city expansion.
Devs should post or repost that they have authority to remove a players plots if they deem them inappropriate or griefing.
This way people will know that hey your plots can be removed by any dev if enough evidence comes up for a dev to make the call to remove them.

Straight line plotting next to a player city
Random plotting around a player city
If proven that these two things are nothing more than expansion blockers and foot fall traps they should be reportable and removed by Devine intervention.

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Yes we need a better “line” how this is handled.
I feel like every plot is individual case tough and thats why there cant be some standard action.

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this “case by case” basis seems to really take a lot of time away from the devs.
it would be nice if any potential malicious plotters had a reason to be concerned about the way they plot around others.


The problem isn’t the devs it’s the players whose eyes are bigger than their plates (or in this case their plots). A piece of land is not part of your build until you’ve plotted it. Doesn’t matter how many friends you have, how popular your city is, or what euclidean shape it could be from an aerial view. Cities grow organically. If you want a square city, plot a giant square when you start. Otherwise embrace the chaos and the sprawl.

The players are the ones taking up the devs’ time with this because they are trying to use their payment status and community prestige to strongarm the devs into reinterpreting the rules in their favor. This puts the devs in a difficult and time consuming PR crisis.


Exactly. It’s absolutely ridiculous given the exact same people moaning and groaning about their expansions being stalled are the same people who, months ago when cities were smaller, repeated over and over that smaller players should have plotted out their areas if they didn’t want land taken from them.

Those same people are now complaining about the exact same thing only on a much larger scale.

It is absolutely hypocritical and unethical but that doesn’t matter because they only want a few rules to apply to them and the full force of rules applied to others.


I think the art of border war in Boundless has yet to be figured out. I would build a 2 or 3 block high fence along the entire perimeter in question, leaving gates every few plots. This is the “border” of my city.

The fence is just high enough to be an inconvenience when traveling, so the land loses value. And since there’s no build on that land there’s nothing in ToS to dictate where the gates need to go in your fence.

Voila. A probably legal, albeit aggressive solution. The bigger the land someone plots and leaves empty, the more freedom it gives you to build a fence on your side and place the gates inconveniently. What is the other player going to do, complain to the devs? Now you’ve got both sides talking at the table!

If fences aren’t your style, build whatever else you can dream up that is 2 blocks high. That’s all it takes. I believe players can solve these sorts of problems themselves without involving the devs.

I’d build a slightly random hedge that at first looks natural but it’s only when you look at the bigger picture you can see it forms a boundary, it would fit in if you wanted to keep natural looking areas around the actual build too.

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WHEN!? WHO’S WITH ME? This baby is maybe 200 blocks high and 3 plots deep.


Come to Ultima in finata. It’s so bad it’s sad actually. I can u defat and someone plotting to make a park and stuff but right now ultima has a lot of dead empty spaces.

I do understand your point, and it is frustrating when you have spent a great deal of time and effort to build a settlement with a specific vision in mind to have someone either not follow your vision or beacon empty plots in your settlement. I have had the same things happen and have not liked it either. I guess I always figured this was part of the risk in playing an MMO. I cannot control the action of other players. I cannot make them build the way I want them to build. I cannot make someone that has built in my settlement continue to maintain their build.

My choices have always seemed to be to either not worry about it, plot everything I want (at least the center) to make it what I want, or to wait until rented planets are available where I can control who has access to build. One reason after EA, I have not done a major build is waiting for the rented planets.

I haven’t been in a while, I’ll go check it out tonight. I think Ultima will have much larger issues with gleam club since many of its citizens are EA or launch members who financially support(ed) the game. It may be the hardest city to plan as a result, especially since the social technologies which could pre-empt bad behavior aren’t invented yet.

I feel if it’s a dead spot with nothing on it. Return it to the player. Done deal. But if you have blocks on it then your soa

Build the wall!