Did u enjoy the 3 exos? What did u all find? Or how much?

I am not enjoying the current exo’s tho! Since there are none! :joy:



So, to celebrate Lovestruck, how about another group? :smile: Doesn’t have to be T7s, haha. :wink:

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Love ya shinobi but I respectfully disagree.

I think people should give their honest opinions on stuff. The devs aren’t little kids, they can handle it. They aren’t Santa Claus and it’s not about being “ungrateful”, it’s a game mechanic and we need to be honest.

I think the WORST thing we can do as players is sugarcoat our feedback. If something bugged us, it probably bugged 20 other people too.

I don’t think that the devs “bowed to pressure”. I think the plan all along was to test out three exos at once to see how it influenced game mechanics. I don’t think @james is the sort to bow to pressure. Boundless is his baby and he wants the final product to be PERFECT like the rest of us, and the only way to achieve this is to try different things and get honest feedback. People gave a lot of honest feedback (they generally do) and I think this is a good thing!

Think of it like trying a wacky new hairstyle. The only way to truly know if it will look good is to try it. And people who lie to you and tell you they like it if they don’t - they are not your true friends.

The best way we can help boundless improve is by being honest in our feedback, otherwise how will the devs know the truth?

@Leahlemoncakes feel free to confirm you guys want honest feedback :blush:


I agree with this statement. I think the whole Dev team has been pretty willing to try things and take constructive criticism. But not give in to the more oortrageus demands from us.

… Now I’m actually glad they didn’t pop more so far today! Too busy with Lovestruck! :smiley:

I think this was nice that three different lucent planets at same time. Wasn’t first planning to go any of those but last day I did visit two of those, just to gather some goo, rocks and gleam. Hopefully we see again different lucent planets same time so that game gives more that problem to players to decide what to do under certain time window :slight_smile:

For the people who don’t want to trade flowers all day some exos would be good I suppose.


True… and some exos would give us chances for new colors on the event’s crafting stuff too. :slight_smile: Plus, we haven’t had a metal or coal exo in awhile, those are best for kindling, that would probably be my first pick for that reason as much as I like going for gems and goo.

Edit: T4 Lush would be good for flowers now (and hunting!).


@molav i am still playing but i dont log in that often as i used to. Thanks though. Ill empty them asap!

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