DId we tell our new overlord spark link extensions would be grand?

The also removed glass panes from mesh… shortly after we could make those.

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This was a good fix. For a minute some of the crops were meshes too, but IIRC they got them all integrated with the foliage system.

I don’t farm so I can’t remember if the glowing red plants (oh yeah combustion kernel?) are still meshes, or not :thinking:

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Can’t say for certain but I believe they are still mesh.

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Combustion are mesh


For a long time I have been setting spark machines to groups of each machine which makes a lot of plots to cover for an average workshop to do what you got to do covers a lot of land this change could change the way everyone builds workshops which at the end of day everyone in the future that hopefully joins the game would overall have less impact on planets how it is now extra players is really going to make this hard to achieve I am currently only running 20 of each machine by the time you add spark that is a lot of land