Did you ever have one of those OH S%$T! ! ! Days?

Seems this was my day for that. You all get to have a good laugh at me, I did later.
On a level two planet, no real danger, I can handle the spitters fine. Except when the phone rings. Look and see it is the pharmacy. Pick up for the recording to put the right buttons and go no, I don’t need that script filled. Hear a splat, splat, spalt sound. Look over at screen, not one but two spitters are using my girl for target practice and she “ain’t” no moving target either LOL. Was a "oh S**T moment.
Get her out of there quick. Later, a notice form a discord I am a member of. A DM, what do I do, don’t think and use my head, I just bring it up to see who it is. And of course, hear the splat sound again, type getting attacked! Seems like another OH S%$T moment. I was able to kill the spitter. Girl is fine.
Do my mining and go to head home; except I didn’t mark the location of the town with the portal. That’s okay, I can see that there are several portals in that direction, real close.

Go climbing over hills, around large pits. jumping away to the top of the hill where the town is and as I go over the top it is a real big OH S*&T ! moment. Seems there is a very long drop and rock on the ground. I died. Spawn back on top but at least I’m not in danger of falling. Make it down, make to a portal, home safe.

Hummm, lets go shopping. Should have stayed home. Go the Atlas shop and while there hubby goes would you let the dogs out. Sure, no problem. Send the girl to the sanctum. Come back and go through the portal.
And land in water! It is another Oh S^$T ! I am on a level 3 planet, have no idea of where I am and if there are any cuttletrunks looking for someone to kill. I swim to a hill that is close by, going of course the wrong way and climb on top of the hill. See I needed to have headed the other way. Climb back down, swim, climb back up another hill and fortunately, there is a back door that is unlocked and I can get in, safe and sound.
Going, I’ve had enough so I head her home, unload what goodies I bought and get out of the game.

Hope you all had a great gaming day, LOL


Game had their sniper aiming at you. Haha.:smile:

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Yesterday i told myself i need to level up. 5 seconds later i fell through a hole in the grass to my death. About 10 mins later on another planet i opened my inventory and next thing i hear is SPLAT. A spitter hit me and pushed me off the cliff to my death…again :grimacing:


Who needs Hunters when you have life’s usual distractions to kill you?

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First time hunting on a T6 world. Attacked a spitter, all was well. He lobbed a couple bombs in the air which i avoided no problem. But apparently his Super was charged, and shortly after he AoE carpet bombed everything around him and I died. Decided I would come back when I had gem weapons, have yet to return.

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I tend to use my titanium grapples to speed my way across the landscape. Launch it ahead … grab something … reel in … release at the last moment to allow momentum to hurry me a bit farther.

Safe and easy, right?

Yeah … not so much when you do it inside the guild workshop and slam into the storage shelves at high velocity after detaching the grapple.

Instant “Defeated” message. And of course it happened after everyone else had gone to bed, so I couldn’t beg for a totem revival. I had to accept the “I’m so stupid” death penalty . . . :blush:


Do it again so I can watch then I’ll revive you!

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Little O.T. - Anyone been hit by a falling meteor? Is it possible?

I’ve had some kind of close calls…that would be an oh s**t moment. lol

I think there’s a trophy for that lol. If not it should be

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Indeed its one of the “secret” achievements. My wife caught one the other day! We were farming some yams in a distant desert, neither of us really hunter specced. We hear the noise of atmospheric entry and look up, meh it’s miles to the north of us so we put our heads down and keep whacking.

Ofc ignoring the rumble getting louder and louder… eventually my spidey sense kicks in “this one sounds a bit close” i tell her. My gatherer looks up at the exact moment to see a nice level3 land right on her head. My response was inconsolable laughter; her response was “censored”.


oh my!!! lol

I caught a meteor during the steggs goodbye hunt and it crashed my game lol. Even recorded it hahaha

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That was one big and powerful meteor!

I don’t remember but I think it was a T6 lol

they do that every time, thats their pattern. first a couple of single bombs in a sequence (maybe to get the aim or something lol) and directly after that the cluster bomb stack.

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