Digging and my mind is wondering again πŸ˜‰ quick reclaim question?

Reclaim picks up everything placed right?
But does reclaim also pick up existing blocks that have been changed? As in trunk changed (without picking up and replacing it) texture or color (by paint).

Again just wondering :wink: my mind is running circles :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

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I’m assuming you talking about reclaiming a plot where you may have transformed a tree to a dif wood type? If so I don’t believe you will pick this up in the reclaim as you haven’t placed the block.

That is if that’s what you meant.

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in my experience, yes, mats that have been transformed etc, in any way, are reclaimed.

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Yes a natural (original) tree from before claim :wink: (as an example) and all i do is change its texture or color.

Nice :grin: thx

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