DKPoll: what is considered respectful vs not respectful plotting

I don’t think this is necessary, nor good advice tbh. If you want to be part of a city, I think it’s okay to plot a small area in the suburbs - just be mindful so that you aren’t plotting in the middle of a road of some sort. It’s always a good idea to communicate with neighbors. Maybe ask if there’s a theme or style that they have or if your plans are ok with the majority there.There is room for everyone.

If places/guilds/etc want to block any new builds/residences, then they need to 100% plot their area. Otherwise this type of control will only come with private worlds/clubs, etc - which we don’t have.


You missed my caveat. Haha. It’s pretty easy to find a city with somebody in shout range to help you find an appropriate spot. Or post in the newly functional general chat “yo I wanna build a house any cities open?” and get spammed with offers

I didn’t miss it. Not everyone in this game is available at all hours, across all time zones. How long are you suppose to wait for a reply? What if the area is a conglomerate and you get different answers?

I did say suburbs…not right at a hub or in the city proper area.


I stopped answering after awhile, because many of these questions are obviously biased to actual events, and also I was beginning to wonder if answering “respectful vs disrespectful” was the same as answering “rite vs wrong”

I think im one of the few, I believe First come, First serve. But I know most of the community would prefer their dreams don’t get smashed and want whats greener on the other side. Its not possible for this game to be “respectful” everywhere without heavy moderator activity.

Its as fair as; If you can plot it, it’s yours and not before.

And what you want to build is up to you within the existing COC. Planetary roads, Gleam tower eyesores, and expansive malls that take up enormous areas. A competing Portal network or a shop buying/selling every item in game at extortion prices. The problem is, there’s two sides to every coin. your dream, is my nightmare. I sometimes wonder if this game truly is “Boundless” or the dev’s child they want to sculpt and manipulate into their specific vision. Im tring to reserve my opinion until i see the application for myself, maybe this compaction thing is not so bad…But it sounds restrictive, and that’s not “Boundless”

  • Play how I like to play
  • Play the game the wrong way

0 voters

What is the “wrong” way & how would players know?


Oh wait you were serious?

Well, according to my Discord status I am playing a game called Limited and not Boundless…

Maybe I should rename it to Severely Limited :rofl:

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Yeah @DKPuncherello just turned the thread into a mud fling on certain events with his expansion on the OP. This thread has become something that pushes the rules of good taste.

And since he suggested it be added to a wiki post as a link, it definitely pushes the right vs wrong narrative.


Care to share which ones?

What I found rather amusing is that clearly you are still salty that Ultima HQ moved to Eresho :wink:

Funny thing is tho, once rental planets are a thing I am sure they will move again…

I don’t mean it in a salty way. Things worked out fine for me. But I know many others who are very salty. So I thought they merited discussion. I know Ult learned from the move. I want to help people across the community have an idea as to how opinion sways.

I’m not trying to turn it into tasteless mud flinging. But I do think it’s good for people to consider different scenarios. Not everyone agrees as to the best actions. And real life scenarios may be touchy but are worth discussing.

Also, to be clear, in situations like Ultima, I am friends with Ultima and I am also friends with people who were upset by the move. I’m simply trying to promote discussion even if it is painful for some.

Honestly tho, lately I’ve come to the opinion that people with an Oortian level backer account can so clearly plot a heck of a lot way, way easier than anyone else can.

I’ve seen the amount of plots of someone with such a backer key, they had like 50k iirc, but their actual amount before any of the plot bonuses came into effect was like 15k and several 100 plots below my amount at that point in time!

(I only have a 20% plot bonus, this person had 210%!)

So I kinda think this is also something that can cause plotting issues, I mean, how fair is it that most people get 11 plots for 300 cubits when they have Deluxe, but someone with an Oortian level key AND Deluxe gets 31…


Yes, ont he other hand …

They literally laid out a ton of actual cash, when it was 100% risk of never seeing the game hit ‘release’.

You see the occasional post from those who are upset that they missed this “opportunity” but of course, hindsight is always 20/20.

Without those oortian backers we likely wouldn’t have the game today. They’re still missing items they were promised. It’s not all roses. I say it’s perfectly ‘fair’ but hey, obviously a matter of opinion. As people can have an opinion on anything lol.

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It makes monetary and business sense, but is probably bad for the game.

Those people would probably have backed it for 50%, but WS promised 200% and I don’t see there’s much we can do about that at this point.

Oh I do think it’s fair they have the plot bonus because they paid for it. But… they also paid for a rental/private world for which they will need those same plots, since those have not been released yet they will use them up on public worlds and if you happen to be on the same planet as one or multiple of those people (Biitula had 2 or 3??) then fights about space are bound to happen and it might seem a tad unfair if you’re in the middle of it with just a 10% bonus of plots :slight_smile:


It was just meant as a side comment on the original topic. Sorry to derail.

DK maybe you want to start a different thread on “plot envy”? :green_heart:

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Haha all good I think it’s within scope of the OP

We definitely can plot more with less time, that much is true. However, there are quite a few of us that no longer play in any real capacity, and there will never be more of us once the final keys out there are used up. If all of us played like you and some of the others here do, I suspect it would be a problem. Even a normal player with no bonus can earn 100 plots an hour farming gleam ■■■■■ on serp with a hammer after refining. That’s 310 for Oortians for sure, but we are an anomaly in the system that will become smaller and smaller as time goes on (I know a couple others who rarely play anymore). If the game takes off and we have hundreds of thousands of players, we become a rounding error.

Unforunately, that still leaves the devs trying to balance between making a game that is casual friendly and not flooding the game with plots for those who are lucky enough to have the time to spend half their waking hours in-game. @AeneaGames and @DKPuncherello you may have plot envy, but I have game time envy and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


Ya know, it does not matter what people think of these poll questions, some are very dependant on the actual situation and it can all be easily summed up with:

  • just be considerate of others, do not force anything on anyone and try to not take too much space on a public planet even tho you have the plots for it

And even then disputes will come, you can’t come up with a set of rules that works in every single case, so a building guide or plotting guide, blabla, or a poll like this is not really needed…



Are there still keys out there then? If rental planets become a thing I sooooo would love one, lol!

Would be nice if somehow we could get something like a plot bonus that somehow only works on your own rental worlds, but that’s probably a nightmare to code and track…