Do Sovereign block color changing chances roll over?

What I mean is, if I don’t change the color, will have have two tries on the next turn?

i doubt that’s the case, since you have to press (unlock block colour Selection) and then pick new colors then confirm the color change, and then time 30 days countdown starts
also if you just unlock and not change the color you can just wait for a color unlock you like.

but not changing the colors while a color is active wont give you more tries
so if you don’t change colors for 6 months you wont have 6 changes available

but since i cannot confirm this (but just pure logic to me)
maybe it can be confirmed

Is it 30 days, or is it 2 weeks 4 days 2 hours 40 minutes 10 seconds?

it should be 30 days since that is being said

but then again i think…maybe the timer just continues? so if u don’t change it after the 30 days
but do it after the 6th week maybe you are able to change again 2 weeks after?
just my thought on it

At least the first one after initial set is 2 weeks 4 days 2 hours 40 minutes 10 seconds. I’d love to hear from someone that’s done a second change to see if it’s different then.

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yeah :slight_smile:

It seems to reset on the same day every month. When I finally finalized my colors last week, it was less then 3 weeks until unlock. When I did it this month, it was less then 4 weeks. I do not know if it is a global reset (everyone’s timers are the same) or if it is per world.

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That would explain the bizarre time I saw, based on that, I could guess it’s set to either 2 weeks 5 days from world creation, or a static day of the month.

It’s interesting that nobody seems to know this, there is no consensus, and the developers haven’t come out to say anything concrete.

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Pretty sure you don’t get rollover. You should though.

the option to change colours is available every 30 days from whence the world came online.

so if you for instance, wait until 59 days have passed and reset colours, you’d then have to wait just 1 day for the next reset.

Would that mean that a world that hasn’t been fuelled should have color selection unlock at the same time as planet expiration, or is there a deliberate offset of these?

Mine all have let me change them every 2.5 weeks.


bringing a locked world back online will reset the interval so that colours will always be available straight away.

Sorry, I meant on initial creation.

These two screenshots are on a world that is only a few days old and has never had fuel added to it. With how you describe the option to change colors opening, shouldn’t these two timers be lined up?

I haven’t added fuel to mine either.

The block color one shown is the countdown to change the colors.

The 2nd image you show is the life of the planet.

They have never matched on any of my planets.

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Have had an opportunity to test & confirm that the timer resets to ~2 weeks 5 days when you change it a second time?

I just changed a few colors on Paradise…lemme go see what the timer says…

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This is on planet Paradise. This is a few minutes after it’s 2nd color change/lock.

Perfect! I think that answers the question. Looks like it’s 2 weeks, 5 days from creation for the first unlock, then 30 days for each one after that, working like @lucadeltodecso described from then on.