Dodge Bombs: Request from the community

@Ovis and @Apt are definitely too good at this lol. Blink once and next thing you know the ground is gone from beneath your feet lol. Just know I will hold onto this pain from my defeat and next time I will not fall so easily :triumph:. Anyway Congrats :laughing:


Hahah looking forward to the next time we bomb! Could practice with some 1v1s if you like :wink: thanks!


Think Iconic went to round 3 against you all. Cant remember. Almostā€¦ almostā€¦ till next time.

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The past 3 events have been a blast thabk you everyone for being part of it. There are some things I have noticed to improve the game of dodge bombs.

First thing I would like to do is rebuild the whole glass roof and move viewing up above for a better experience while watching.

Saddly the arena is in is maxed out on size because of surrounding plots. I am working on a plan to build a brand new stadium on Biitula.

The new stadium will hopefully live up to the grandeur of the event.

At the dodge bomb portal at the Hive we are selling unforged bombs for 10k each. This is a way we can take donations to speed up building of the arena. Once the blocks used are decided apon request for those will be added.

Once again thank you community. Wouldnā€™t be possible without you.


Love it, let me know if you need anything. Also I was thinking when we hold it at Shinra Stadium of having a BYOB (bring your own bomb) event. Lol 1 free for all battle of what ever you bring.


Lol, some purple bombs + blast radius + radius augment and the match is only gonna last about 3 bombs though
Never mind, blink bombs. Theyā€™re way bigger, lol. Didnā€™t realize how much so


Think this could be a sport with many arenaā€™s around the universe?

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There are a few being built.


Can I build one in Lacuna for Storis?

Do you have them themed at all?

The playing fields themselves have all been the same. But the outer building and viewing areas can be different.

Canā€™t you create one with the environment instead of flat

Like Bomb Warz

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I might make one! I have made my own game that requires a grapple to sucessfully navigate. Grapple warz. Be careful where you stand!

Rules: A buncha platforms, a pit of lava, some beautiful trapdoors that can be used to win!
In order to win, you eliminate the competition by grappling them into the pit or opening the trap doors they are on