Does anyone know the exact length of a day in game?

After 3.5 years and every opportunity to figure this out on my own, I still don’t know for sure. Is it 30 minutes?

I have a lot of little ideas for immersive details in upcoming builds, like my stock indices, that would be more fun to track the amount of days/months/years that have passed in game rather than irl. Player created lore would be a lot more interesting with this expanded time frame.



No I don’t know.
At times i feel like its always day or always night.
When i have to check colors during the day or night its always the opposite :wink:.
That said isn’t it more like 24 (or 48) minutes? Haven’t timed it myself but most games i played usually did equal 1hour in game to 1 (2) minutes irl.


I would have to agree. At times on alder it seems like it is nighttime a lot more then daytime while I’m building. I guess it’s because of it being winter on the USE server and the days are shorter…:man_shrugging:?



Thanks!! I always liked the idea of the 24 minute style, had another game with the same timing.

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No, it’s because building in the dark is annoying so you notice it more.

If you were setting up a complex gleam/lighting arrangement and you actually wanted it to be dark, you would perceive it to be day all the time.

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