Does boundless have suns?

Nice time lapse!


I’ve noticed that all the planets have the sun rise in the west, and set in the east (opposite of the planet we live on irl). I’m curious if this was a design decision, if the sun was meant to rise from different cardinal directions on different planets originally, or how we determine North and South (magnetic or backwards west to east orientation). Thank you @Soju-VB I was going to do the same thing, you saved me the trouble :smiley:

This was reported as a bug in early access and the devs sort of blushed and said “Oops” but I suspect it’s not the highest priority issue on their plate.

@DKPuncherello do you have early access of some sort we don’t know about?

Sounds like you build your beautiful builds underground and use some kind of redstone and push it to the surface.

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Looooooool maybe they have a grand sun looooooool…I’ll grab my coat too…

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how does one even tell what direction they are facing when half of the time the compass points are blocked by icons…

Yeah cardinal directions should be larger and on-top in layer order IMO. I agree with @xyberviri

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I usually just look at the ground or the sky to expose the directions since that moves the icons out of the way most of the time… but yeah, it would be nice if they were not hidden by icons.