Double Size Poles and Beams

Let me start by saying I LOVE the new poles and beams. So this is, in no way, a criticism of the current poles and beams. They are top notch, two thumbs up.

But, I was thinking. With what, I think, would be minimal effort, you could get a huge hug from the community.

I propose double size poles and beams, call them Columns and Bannister.

Use the EXACT SAME models, just double the size. Two blocks long instead of one, and twice the circumference (which would still make it one block.)

Double the mat requirements, add an extra 5 points of prestige to make up for the extra mats, and you have large columns!!

The only possible problem I could see is clipping issues with the more elaborate designs, but I imagine players would live with that.

It may be a far more complicated than I imagine it to be. But, if it’s not, this would be a fantastic addition!


The poles or ‘sticks’ are pretty useless to be honest. Columns would be much better.

I second this! Do we have a 3rd?

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Edit: Misunderstood the doubling thing. Might be doable.

They are very thin, they are saying to make the O.D. a larger size. not put it in 4 blocks.

No it wouldn’t. The diameter of the poles and beams are far less than half the width of a block. Doubling the width would still keep it in the one-block size.

Doubling the length would…double the length, from one block to two.

Having them “stack”, like machines do, would work, but that seems like extra work for the devs.


Those are thicc.


It was my first thought when I placed the first pole. That they are too thin.
They have their uses but having two versions of each type would be cool. So we can pick size depending on how big is the structure we place it within.

I dont think we need to make them longer. They can still be 1 block long, just double the diameter.

My other thought after building with them for a while was that placing them in corners of a block (when vertical) and along block edges (when horizontal) could help a lot. At the moment they take the block center. Ability to chose between center and corners or edges would be great. It would make it look better when combined with chiseled blocks. They would also look attached when signs placed against them.

Wait a sec, you already can stretch them?

Nevermind. I like those wider ones! Up vote from me

Photoshop :stuck_out_tongue:

TBH, yeah, my first reaction when placing a beam was that they were too thin. They’re good to make fences, but clearly not columns.

I’d rather wait for actual new models than have a THICC copy of the ones we already have, though.
I think totems are coming, so we’ll have to see what we can do with those.

Mr. Fatpole and Mr. Fatbeam - they would be my good friends if they landed in game. :sunglasses: