Duplications in Worlds->Settlements

Still seeing duplicates in settlements.

2 & 3 are the same settlement.
4 & 5 are the same settlement.

Are they in guilds?

I don’t think so but would have to check.

I thought if you aligned your beacon to a guild settlement, then the prestige would count towards it rather than the original settlement.

So to understand, if Sydney aligned its beacons with the “Sydney Guild” it would become 2 settlements taking up the position 1 and 2?

Where there’s a Beacon, there’s always going to be a Settlement. Where there’s a guild-aligned Beacon, there’s always going to be a Guild Settlement. And the tiny discrepancies in prestige may be someone elses tiny beacon attached and contributing to the settlement but not in the guild.

Thanks for cleaning that up.

So not a bug, a misunderstanding on my part :smile:


Don’t know if you don’t ask! Happy to help.

We want to improve these leaderboards to be clearer.

In the case where the Guild Settlement and Greater Settlement have the same name I think we should only include the Greater Settlement.


Thank you for being open to changing this, however this would be open for abuse as someone in the top 5 could name their settlement “Town” and then call the guild “Town2” (or leave it unnamed as in OP’s post) and still duplicate on the leaderboard.

What if aligned beacon’s prestige was subtracted from the greater settlement? That way if an entire settlement is aligned to a guild, you still only get one settlement.

Or, maybe a separate tab for guild beacons?


This seems to me like it might be the only fair way, have separate leaderboards for greater settlements and guild settlements. Or maybe the guild leaderboards would be for the guild as a whole, not their individual settlements.


I think if this is the way they go, the second option you suggested would be the best way since it would be beneficial then to form a guild with non-connected settlements.

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Has there been any more discussion on the idea of only counting Greater Settlements on the leaderboard?

There should be something to stop people just naming their guild settlement slightly differently and taking up two top five spots, maybe have a separate tab for guild settlements? That way people can see how their guild ranks compared to others.

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