Error picking starting world if i choose (start near a friend)

as title says, i cannot pick starting world if i choose start near a friend (sovereign) not sure if this is only a sovereign issue


don’t mind the blurriness

@james :pray:

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I’ve had the same issue just trying to use the starter warp augment to get to my sov instead of the planet it recommended.

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I have this issue with all my alts, all of my steam friends are on sovs that are not set to public claimable.

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hmm ok, well i want to start with my alt acc near HOST that’s on the sovereign THE FUTURE the planet is not private.
it is plot-able, free to visit and free to mine on :man_shrugging:


hmm so its not the plot-able setting, i didnt bother reporting it cause i though it was this setting on Valhalla, we have ours set to guild only.

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Nope it’s not that setting :+1: