European Farming Club

Love the data driven process to build the perfect farm!


To some extent some will see it as a trap because it was built for helping players and to gain footfall.
I don’t see that as wrong. It is to frigging hard to make coins in this game, those who have established shops can make a nice income from their sales and footfall.
I don’t see that as bad, I am really happy for them. Early bird gets the worm They earned it with all the hard work they did at the start.
But, for some players, it will be hard to come up with a means of making income. I see this as smart thinking of doing something that will give income from footfall and help players at the same time. If players don’t realize that the player who made the farm will also be getting footfall, then well . . .
I still don’t see it as a trap.

Can we please stop calling beacons that provide utility and have a purpose other than to fool people in to walking in to them, traps… The owner has to fuel portals and used resources to wall off the area so it’s safe. They earned it.



Sorry could not resist


We have finally added our ash farm to the Iconic Resource Besevrona hub. Now we have everything to make bricks. Ash, again, drops the same amount of resources on level 5 and level 6 planets. Source

The advantage of a farm on a level 5 planet is that you only need 4000 damage to one hit the mud, which my miner easily does with a normal forged AE shovel. No longer do you need a strength brew but can instead use a speed brew without the shovel epic.

The farm has a 3x3 plot area which contains 1728 ash blocks (100%).

The farm has a door. In the unlikely case that the regeneration bomb kicks you out you can easily get back in.

We’ve added our silty soil farm to the Iconic Resource Besevrona hub. If you’re crafting glass you should consider getting your silty soil at our farm. On level 5 planets, silty soil drops 8,4% Raw Waxy Earthyam, the same amount of level 6 planets and you still only need 2800 damage to one hit the blocks. Why not get some Raw Waxy Earthyam for free while farming your silty soul? Source

The farm contains 3x3 plots of only silty soil.

And as always, the farm has a door. In the unlikely case that the regeneration bomb kicks you out you can easily get back in.


You’re heating with peat? Why don’t you get your peaty soil at the latest EFC farm and get 8,4% Raw Waxy Earthyam on top of your peat for free? Source

The farm contains 3x3 plots of only peaty soil. And as always with out farms, there is a door to get back in for the unlikely case that you get kicked out by your regeneration bomb.

The far can be accessed through the Iconic Resource Besevrona hub.

this stuff looks amazing ever consider hooking up to the aquatopian embassy i got a nice central hub building that can host portal and has an aditional room attached for information our whatever
one off the more exclusive locations on our newly rebuild mega hub

At the moment we’ll have to stay on Besevrona. I’ll buy all the shards and barely get enough footfall for the existing 1x2 portals.

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i wonder what would happen if portals are free :smile:
total anarchy :smile:

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That is MADNESS!

Someone would create an exploration network. Connecting the center of all 50 zones on every planet. I know I would. :slight_smile:

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Today we’ve added the EFC gleam farm on Besevrona to the Iconic Resource Besevrona hub.

The farm has 20 blocks of gleam conveniently located directly under the water surface.

And as always, there is a way to get back in. Because the farm is under water we have a hole to jump down to the farm.

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We’ve added a gleam farm on Kol Huroo to the Iconic Resource Network. The nice thing is that you can stand on bricks while farming your gleam, in case you despise ice as much as I do. :slight_smile:

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Our latest farm on Besevrona is the gravel and saltpetre farm. And as always, level 5 drops the same amount as level 6 planets. Source

The gravel farm can be reached through the Iconic Resource Hub.

The advantage of a farm on a level 5 planet is that you only need 4000 damage to one hit the gravel, which my miner easily does with a normal forged AE shovel. No longer do you need a strength brew but can instead use a speed brew without the shovel epic.

The farm has a 2x3 plot area which contains 1144 gravel blocks (99%). The other blocks are 6 sand blocks and 2 clay, no stones or other annoying things.

And as always, there’s an easy way to get back in. Use the jump tower.

The buttom is protected with trampoline blocks

We’ve added a small souvenir shop to the EFC farms with the most essential farming consumables.

Our forged tools all have 3x3 AOE, damage and durability. We sell the tools made from Diamond, Topaz and Ruby. Topaz hits faster than Ruby and Ruby hits faster than Diamond. Depending on your talents you might be able to use Topaz or Ruby and still one hit in our besevronian farms. Check the damage you do, the farms list the require damage to one hit. (The Diamond tools have enough damage to one hit on level 6 planets with the correct talents.)



We just got hooked up by the La Familia Mining Network.

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We’ve added an additional tree to our bark farm which can be farm with the fancy top down method. The tree is behind the west wing.

Because of how regeneration bombs work this area is cannot be fully protected, that’s why the tree is behind a self closing (thanks again, devs!) door.


We’ve added a bunch of these awesome Ovis trees to the EFC bark farm on Besevrona.

We also have a bit of the purple growth at the bark farm. Not really usable to farm orbs but if you need this unique color for a build you can get it here in a safe way.

And two pieces of Besevronas mold. Again, not for orb farming but maybe you need some for a build.


Regen farms :heart_eyes:

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