Exo Hunt at Gamma Gemis Dec16 canceled

Your hunt is taking place during the standard GTG hunt time slot just so your aware. GTG holds daily hunts from 6:30 pm est - 8:30pm est.

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Yeah, this is GTG daily hunt time slot.


@Dubbanz While there is a hunt by GTG today at the same time, it does not mean you have to change yours. But it could mean that no one shows up to yours, or a very small amount of people.

Call me ignorant or naive but where do I find in game hunt schedules?

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There is no schedule, but it is a nice idea to have one. I tried to do it but no one sent me their hunt time.


I’ll list you the ones that happen regularly that I know about.

Brown Town early hunt(happens every other day) - 2020-12-17T12:30:00Z2020-12-17T14:30:00Z
Grandeur hunt - 2020-12-16T17:00:00Z2020-12-16T19:00:00Z
Brown hunt - 2020-12-16T20:00:00Z2020-12-16T22:00:00Z
GTG hunt - 2020-12-16T23:30:00Z2020-12-17T01:30:00Z
C.:o:.R.E. hunt - 2020-12-17T04:00:00Z2020-12-17T06:00:00Z

Non-regular hunts that happen from time to time
Twisted Dragon hunt & Portal Seekers hunt - Both usually happens at 2020-12-17T02:00:00Z2020-12-17T04:00:00Z

If there’s any other hunts that I’ve missed, let me know :slight_smile:


Sasquatch hunt is usually at 20:30 est, on the days that I can, when I feel like it :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m thinking about Thursday (tomorrow) at 8:00 pm. What do you think? Do you want to come to my exo Hunt?

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Keep in mind the Oortmas event starts that day. People may be busy doing snow meteors…

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I’ll try to be there with a few friends

What timezone for 8pm btw, I’ll be there if i’m free at that time

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It’ll be tomorrow Thursday at 2020-12-18T02:00:00Z your time. (8:00 pm central). @Kokuma

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Actually it is :slight_smile: or at least it is on my phone. Smaller phones it may be under the gear icon.

Portal Seekers is normally on Mondays and Thursdays
Twisted Dragon is normally on Wednesday, should be starting up regularly again.
Vikings are starting to do T3 Beginner hunts on Fridays and Saturdays.

All three of them are at or around what ever time 2020-12-17T02:00:00Z is for people reading this

There is overlap with the Sasquatch hunt which runs from 2020-12-17T01:30:00Z, but I find this doesn’t typically matter because players that like going to T3 hunts dont always like going to T5 or T6 hunts.

And vise versa

I ended up making a dedicated calendar on google so i could keep track of when everyone was normally hunting at https://boundlessevents.github.io mainly so i could hand out the address instead of telling people the same info…

If anyone is on that calendar and wants to manage their own schedule/time whatever just share a google calendar with view access to my @gmail.com address and ill remove the static event and add that feed. (if anyone isn’t just do the same if you want to get on there.)

P.S. events are :astonished: allowed to overlap or even run concurrently… thats okay, go read the eula/tos or ask a dev if you think otherwise.


Do I understand out of this no one is allowed to make hunts at the same time?

I understand the new ones might not get many people over the more settled but that is their call?

Anyway, maybe I am reading all this the wrong way. I don’t hunt in groups much anyway.


Thats what it appears like. Not only hunts but building competitions as well.

Announce it in the world chat a few hours early and you will have enough people for sure. People are always looking for organized exo hunts. :blush:


There are about 5-7 building contests going on right now, depending on how you count them, so I’m not sure about that one. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure everyone can agree no one owns any time slots any we are all free to do as we please.

any anything i listed is merely just want i have noticed based on hunt announcement, my intent is first and foremost to assist new players and not to start strife between any groups.

Edit: also if this just causing more issues then it helps ill just take it down and go back to just keeping this info private.


Yeah, don’t be deterred by normal hunts. Exo hunts will always take precedence for me. Any break from standard really.

I was actually psyched for this :weary: