Exo spawnrate (poll)

While the spawnrate for exoworlds is good, i would like to see T3 and more T4 exoworlds added as well to give lower players a chance to explore these new worlds.

  • I hear ya, but you can’t regen the good stuff on them.
  • The more there are, the more chances one will be in your time zone.
  • Hardcore players never sleep :sleeping: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • We are suppose to get a perma T7 … assuming that petroleum, resin, etc will regen on that planet. I don’t know how far away this is from being added though. Maybe at the same time we get a T8 exo?

You make good points : )
I retract my vote for ‘no’


The poll results are strange too. The no option isn’t clear enough since some people selected no it needs to be more often :joy: but I don’t think that’s how op meant for the no to be taken

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Yes, a 3rd option would be helpful. I wanted to vote “no, we need more” like Gorillastomp did, but I didn’t want to count as a “no”


Poll Question:

“No we need more” and “no we need less” are valid answers here.


Sure it is if you ignore buugis opinion on them and forget the rest of his comment.

Really shouldn’t have had to say that

I think 3-4 up at a time with maybe a day or two break is good. They are spawning in all regions and the more often they spawn, players will have a chance for it to be a good time for them to be one of the first on the exo. Enough have spawned the last three weeks that I don’t feel the NEED to go to all of them because I’m afraid I’m missing out.



We need WAY more! Especially if they are giving us duplicate colours.
I still havent seen an exo spawn with a good enough colour of gleam to get me to log back on.

[edit] actually silk lavender gleam on vlahamak, thats quite nice!


I really want to finish my mega build but new colors keep coming out (;.; )