Experiencing connection instability to some worlds

Report in. Someone got to Besverona!

im in xafrant still having issues.I will check Besv for you.

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Yeah Besverona same issues. I get a “Off World -2101N -430 (alt:50)” at the top of all the ones with connectivity issues. also build mode doesnt show plots. always this is dead give away for being in the ether lol

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heres a video notice the top says off world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4RrAy3Cj3E

You are having set destination or tracking something? I had this Off world tracking but it was still tracking player in same world when I had connection more connection issues past week.

I’m having connection problems to euro worlds since about 48hrs ago nonstop.

Aussie has been ok.

yeah i forgot that was on ty. still folks can see the connectivity issues.Also i was in sanctum and used the 100c portal on right to portal and it sent me to the wrong spot several times.

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Yeah, I have had also same kind of rubber band issues somewhere after Christmas when going thru portals. For me things have been better after this topic did show up, but passing thru portals to different planets feels like it is not smooth as it has been.

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I’m still getting ‘unplayable’ to Besverona, Circaporous, etc

I do want to confirm that I am not having any troubles at all to what I believe someone said were Aus worlds. The ping there is on average 140-200ms which is still playable without the warping and skittering around. Appears to be just the worlds that are considered EU it seems.

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I am now able to actually get to the EU worlds but I wouldn’t classify them as playable. Large amounts of rubberbanding still is present.

Any word from developers?

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im thinking might be time to throw couple more dollars into gleam and play something else for awhile this is not playable for me.

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Do people think it’s actually due to world events?

Also, does this seem isolated to comcast? Is anyone who doesn’t have Comcast having issues? It seems like it’s often Comcast people having problems. But then again half the country probably has Comcast.

Can anyone confirm they’re having problems but do not have Comcast? Maybe it’s time to switch ISPs for me haha.

Was having network problems on Tana last night.
I’ve always wondered if the servers need to be refreshed/memory dumped every so often. I’ve noticed over the past year of playing. Whenever there hasn’t been an update in a few weeks things seem to slow down. And I start rubber banding more going through portals.
The game would mostly likely save backups every so often of every planet.
I don’t know. Could just be a coincidence. :man_shrugging:

I currently have Verizon and no problems on any world . I did at one time have Comcast and had to physically unplug my router every month or two or my internet would act up .

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I have super cheap poor man internet…im on east coast…all worlds fine for me last night. Was able to run around ol bessie.

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I seem to be able to travel anywhere without much issue. I do see some lag spikes here and there on certain planets but it’s never dropped out of the server fully. Possibly just the service provider in your area having issues here and there as they tend to have.

Ereso, Besevrona, and Circarpous have all been on “unplayable connection” for the prior two days. I haven’t yet played today. Those planets being unplayable really has limited my ability to travel. :rage: I have high speed internet so I know that it’s not from my end.

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I have Comcast On the West Coast and the EUC region has been giving me unplayable connection for the last 2-3 days. I was able to get to Boori fine in AUS.

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11-13 people, most seemingly on the west coast and all unable to get to EU worlds.

I don’t have any issues in any other games or websites. It is only this game trying to access those worlds so it’s specific to whatever service this game uses.

It is very frustrating. I’ll probably just stick to my home world and west coast worlds for the next week and not play as much until something is done. I need to make a list of which worlds are the west coast/east coast/aus worlds so I can know which worlds to avoid as every time I go to a EU world it takes me 10 minutes to log out because sanctum becomes inaccessible saying my character is stuck in the EU world.