Explain goo farming please

:frowning: how strange haha. i assumed the machine would extend the use of each spray… hmm

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You don’t need extensions if you follow my guide on color mixing, equipped with a decent sized farm and knowledge you can color the world~


Also in some cases you can effectively paint more than one block with a little math to find the most efficient use of your paint.

For example 1 can paints 2.9ish blocks of concrete by first painting rock, then converting the rock to gravel (72:100) then converting the gravel to sand (72:100) then making it into concrete (36:50)

For bricks. Paint rock again… convert rock to stone (18:50) then stone to brick (218:200).

Not sure if those are the exact numbers… but close enough to demonstrate what I mean anyway.


Lantern + fertilizer gives an expected maturity time of <24 hours which is fantastic for mutating fast… I just don’t want to lantern any of my gleambow gleam though haha.


Ye, I thought about lanterning it for a while too, but honestly I don’t need the speed boost. My farm is already at the max size I can handle efficiently lol.


Yep I went over the top… almost becoming a chore to keep on top of now, haha

So I just harvest what I need for now until I redesign for efficiency


What do the sprays sell for? Ive seen them at 99c (seems super expensive) but I guess the rarity will effect the price… I’m gonna end up with a lot of colours I have no interest in I think!

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99c sounds good to me at the current market. I wont buy sprays though have 0 need ;3
Better sell the pigments though for 125c it’s more valuable and should sell easier.


Depends on the colour really… some are on the extremes of the spectrum so very difficult to mix and therefor difficult to stretch further

Prior to the gleambow event I sold 1000’s of shadow violet for 250 coin… like 10000 shadow cerulean for 125…1000000’s of shadow red and fuchsia, lol

But after gleambow the goo farms are becoming more prevalent and therefore prices will become cheaper… how much cheaper I really do not know but I suspect max 100c for the harder to make ones.


Okay cool, thanks guys :smiley:
Hopefully I’ll get some cool colours soon and open a tiny stall! I’m enjoying the learning curve for sure.
And yeah it was my gleambow stash that made me want to give it a try!


Yep the reason why it’s the one thing I’ve enjoyed farming is due to the variety of results and the variety of ways in which you can configure your farms for different results.

I’ve even been giving some thought to simply mutating goos to useful colours on mass using max seed return set ups and then just selling the mutated kernels for an above normal price… just not sure how much demand there would be for such a thing but I feel it would be much less labor intensive.

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Spray cans are 1:1. But there is the machine that lets you do more I thought.

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Coils add up to 24% extra output when crafting sprays. 1% per coil.


Another thing of note is that while the sprays are 1:1 the pigments can produce more sprays when coils are added to the machine. In addition, you can mix many colors together to produce more sprays, e.g. put in 100 black pigment and then add a handful of random colors and you’ll still get black output. Just pay attention to the ratio of color I want (or started with) to other support colors because eventually it will change the color.

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The checkered gleam and growth picture are you mutating the colors on the gleam to get maximized seed or crop. And where do you plant the goo in the pigment farm on the sponge?

@Trickyy90 If you would like a 1st hand lesson give me a shout. I can take you to my farm and tell you anything you would like to know.

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the gleam and goo setup will be only or seeds at 90% and 0% crop and to get the 350% pigment then you make a separate farm with the sponge n lava setup @aaron5.

IF you do the other setup you get pigment and goo (rock and gleam setup)… keep in mind the gleam and rock you can go up to 3 wide with lava all around. This way you eliminate having two separate farms spread out and you get both goo n pigment in return in one run.

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Depends on if it’s a popular color yea?
I’ve sold some white spray for 100c, and others at 200c. Just gotta find your niche.

To be fair though… with goo kernel prices at 150c idk if I’d go lower than 125c for pigment and 100c for spray. The time and effort it takes to grow and mix should be rewarded.

That said… goo kernels should be cheaper imho.

With how varied results can be when it comes to goo farming it’s very hard to decide how to price any of it.

But 1 kernel will statistically produce 10 or more pigments on a balanced setup (rock surrounded by lava). So I can accept kernel prices up around the 100-150c range if they are particularly useful colours. But it’s also really easy to go and collect a stack or more of these myself so I would be very picky about which colours I am prepared to pay that price for. I will happily pay around the 50c each for any old colour of kernel, because turning them into a paint that will sell requires time, knowledge and the right gleam to do so.

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I only have a tiny farm, and I’m not gonna pretend that I know what I’m doing haha (though I’m enjoying it immensely) it seems that 100c per spray seems extremely overpriced… I would have thought to sell my sprays for around 20-25c each unless it’s a really rare colour…

But again I don’t really know what I’m doing :laughing: but my pigments are building up nicely