that was from just now
Q: I'm having connection / lag issues - help!? - #85 by Dwarven-Stone-Bear that was what happened when i first came back xD
it keeps spiking left right and centre and ik my frame rates is 4 but that keeps happening
as i pointed out above not my end
December 27, 2016, 10:11pm
Man i’m sorry .Your set up looks fine. I guess you have to wait for them to fix it.
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yup i know i have alot of access to beta games so i got plenty to do
Dwarven-Stone-Bear and me seem to have the same issue and as @james said, it is most certainly an issue with the update/game client. Altough, i don’t get to 22k pings, i’m between 500 and 2000 but it’s enough to be very irritating and difficult to play.
December 27, 2016, 10:19pm
What Network device and drivers are you running?
Can you share a game log?
Also, can you quickly run the game with the Graphics option set to “Quarter Resolution”?
I want to disconnect the FPS from the latency issue.
Hey sorry about that i had to go
i am using
Realtek PCIe GBE Controller basic internet from my motherboard
driver version 10.12.1107
and i will turn it down to make sure
thats with Quarter Resolution prob can tell with the blur xD