FAQ: Sovereign and Creative World

Creative Worlds can we Warped and Bridged to from ANY world so that should hopefully cover that for you :blush:


The game currently reports it :blush:
Let me know if you’re experiencing any issues though!


Did this change? I understand you can warp from any planet, but I thought the bridge was limited to one blink sec distance? This would be a change from test and prior statements.


And in the form, how are biomes presented? I imagine there are thumbnails, but are they clear enough?

@Leahlemoncakes a question i saw was can you upgrade your planet for example from the minimum to the maximum? so buy first an 9.99 and if you want upgrade to a 39,99

never mind there’s no logic behind that
since it increases the planet in size so it would have to be regenerated


how many biomes total ? does planet size matter ?

and can we pick coastline ? (I mean natural vs spirals for example)


I mightve missed this, but does the natural regeneration still happen or is there no regen at all (like exos) on sovereign worlds?

The world generation process takes between 10 minutes and 20 minutes depending on the size of the world and complexity of the biomes. The building queue is quite deep at the moment. The world deployment process only takes maybe 20 seconds.

Worlds are going online in order of purchase.

So if you’re just buying a world now, it will take a few hours before it’s live.


Some info regarding biome selection…

  • T1 & T2
    • at least 8 level 2 biomes
    • at least 4 level 3 biomes
    • at least 1 level 4 biome
  • T3
    • at least 4 level 2 biomes
    • at least 5 level 3 biomes
    • at least 3 level 4 biomes
    • at least 1 level 5 biome
  • T4
    • at least 1 level 2 biome
    • at least 3 level 3 biomes
    • at least 5 level 4 biomes
    • at least 3 level 5 biomes
    • at least 1 level 6 biome
  • T5
    • at least 1 level 3 biome
    • at least 3 level 4 biomes
    • at least 5 level 5 biomes
    • at least 3 level 6 biomes
    • at least 1 level 7 biome
  • T6
    • at least 1 level 4 biome
    • at least 3 level 5 biomes
    • at least 5 level 6 biomes
    • at least 3 level 7 biomes
    • at least 1 level 8 biome

Biome selection screen looks like this…

Edit: hopefully made it a bit more readable!


is there a way of seeing the biome choices that were made to create the world after completion, for future reference? (ie. not making the same mistake twice)

also, have big glowing round spheres of gleam on my new world, that I’m sure I saw as a biome choice, but didn’t choose and don’t really want…my mistake or extra random biome pick?

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Quick comment on biome selection:

For Creative Worlds you can select whatever you want. Any number of biomes. Any distribution of biome levels. We make a recommendation so that the world is varied. (But if you only pick 1 biome, then the world will be a single region!! Pretty boring.)

For Survival Worlds you’re asked to pick a distribution of biomes throughout the different Biome Levels. This is mainly to avoid players purchasing high level resource worlds and then filling them with low level Biomes, in essence making the world easier to harvest. (I think this was unavoidable to not hit claims of P2W.)

In either config you can pick as many biomes as you want over the required minimums. But these will still be distributed by the required rations. (And too many biomes will make the world thematically noisy.)


The ordering website doesn’t indicate currency for the prices. Are these in British pounds or Usd ?


Does this mean each region has a single Biome?

I’m thinking of getting a planet, but how would I know if I could get the biomes I want together before purchasing?


Can’t answer for James but on my own world the biomes are fairly well mixed and there are multiple per region.


Here’s a partial screen grab I took of the initial fluid selection page


I have accidentally given the incorrect email address on my order form. Is there anyway to correct this? Please help. Thanks

I’ve just went ahead and purchased a 3km world but, when I enter the key in the ingame shop, it says the key is valid but the redeem button is greyed out. Is there something I’m missing or doing wrong?


You don’t need the key. Just use the link in your email to setup the planet