Farming update

If I could grow my own trees that would be awesome.

If farm or tilling blocks are going to be a thing, then perhaps planting a tree could be a 3x3 minimum area for a small tree and go larger the bigger the tree.

Just something I was thinking about when it comes to growing trees. :thinking:


yes growing trees :evergreen_tree: and fruit trees :deciduous_tree: is a need for me in this game.

Hope they add it to the game.


I also wouldn’t mind a way to grind up foliage blocks for something too if it’s related to farming. Like grind it up to make compost, fertilizer or farming blocks in general. Cause they don’t really have much of a use right now.

I’ll come back with more ideas between cooking dinner and working on D&D prep.


I would like to see a nice progression. Not necessarily depending on size but the better you get the more effective and efficient it would be. Something where I solo player can get what they need but a group can build up and with enough maintenance some epic productions.

I really would like to see farming requiring some type of maintenance though. Like portals, we could have organic waste we need to add that needs to be added every so often or in a timer much like portals. Or No man sky you gotta add carbon to keep it running.

I love to see items in the wild as well as new plants grow in farms but not completely eliminate the need to go out to the other planets and get plants. Maybe a decay factor for crops you gotta replant new ones after so many harvests. And also difference tiers of crops based on how well you tend to your farm to give your farm items some personality. Maybe even a name of who’s crop that is from. Just an idea(s)


Rumpy, I can smell additional skill trees with Farming too. Smells like dirt and animal poo. :rofl:


Bring the poo! And animals! I want a bacon farm I called dibs a year ago.



I am just excited to be able to do something besides mining. I really hope farming is what gets me back into the game a lot more.

I am causally playing a couple times a week just to make some progress of some sort.

That’s what I do. Plus I got other peeps helping so all together seems like someone is always working on something. If you’re bored feel free to PM come chill with our group.

When I picture farming in BL I refer back to the picture on the main website of a player with a sheep in the market.

Devs do what you do best and surprise us all with new content that changes the game.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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Typically I don’t get along with many other players in online games. It’s why I’ve been mostly a solo player. Even in groups I don’t usually talk very much. I am not anti-social or anything, I just usually don’t talk when I have nothing worth talking about. Good to know there’s an offer out there from someone who has historically been pretty cool on the forums. :+1::beers:


I think it would be great if we could grow the plants that are on the higher level planets. There needs to be a way to control it, but it would help new players to get items they can’t at the level they are at, or not able to handle those planets. Restrictions would somehow need to be worked in in all aspects, so someone doesn’t set up a farm for the exotic yams and grow a thousand a day using regen bombs, perhaps making them impervious to the bombs.
I agree that having to do something every day would be grinding, but with all the foliage they could have something added to them and make a compost, put it with the plant/seed when it is planted. Make a large barrel or water trough that can catch rain water and we use a bucket to collect it to water the plants when planted. We don’t need to worry until three or five days later when they are ready to harvest. How many should we get? I think if we cut up a yam into three pieces, each one should produce three pieces, so we would get nine yams.
Trees could produce the berries and after a certain period, like in real life, stop producing and need to be replaced. That way we can’t plant 50 trees and have them dropping berries and we have too many of them.
There are a lot of things to consider. I’ll use yams for example. Would we have seeds that we have to find or do like we did with potatoes? Put them under the kitchen cabinet and let them grow eyes, then cut them up and plant each eye in the dirt. They sprout and grow several potatoes from that one eye.
We cut up the yams and get so many pieces from them and plant them, and get so many from that. How will they set up the land aspect? I’m suspecting plots, which means we will have to use cubits. Which will help to control how large a garden/farm is unless someone wants to spend money on buying the cubits.
Some would go pay to win, but it doesn’t let you win and most would have cubits for plots anyhow, I have quite a bit of cubits that I can use for plots.
I don’t think we should be able to use the critters to help in fighting the mobs or such, which can lead, as @Kal-El stated, could led to griefing. They would be tame and not fight other critters, just as they do now. They would be a means of meat, bones, tallow, hide and the glands. Would love to have milk glands to make butter.

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The last thing this game needs is restrictions on stuff people do.

There’s already people who can mine 1200+ gems and thousands of ore and coal per hour. Maybe we should restrict that kind of resource yield too.

So if someone wants to have a multi-tiered or level farm that can produce thousands of plants a day, then so be it. They should be able to if they find it to be worth their time just like someone mining or building feel the time spent doing those things are worth their time.


I think it’d be fun if some plants were unruly and would take over your build if not properly controlled and maintained, same with animals (like tribbles on Star Trek). Snarlberries that crave your blood like on Little Shop of Horrors and would snap at/bite you as you walk by. Hum-berries that emit musical tones and soothe your sheeplings to sleep. Stranglevine that grows slowly at first but exponentially over time and can quickly become a nuisance and fill your plots.

Don’t like it? Don’t plant it.


Snapberries would also attack local wildlife such as wildstock and spitters :joy:

Dart lillies attack cuttletrunks etc.

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Omg I would let them. I love ivy-covered homes!
Love the idea of a plant that sings too. Make it look like a gentle flower, like Lilly of the valley.

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YYYEEESSSS, turret plants!!! This needs to be a thing!

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On the topic of plants attacking stuff… I think it would be pretty cool to see that sort of thing for creatures… such as some sort of vine creature that slowly crawls around and has a ton of HP and can burrow and all that. After all, the developers did come up with some concept art for worms and that kind of means they might be able to burrow through blocks and appear some where else.

But I would love to be able to have some sort of settlement defense.

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@crypticworlds. Command & Conquer tesla coils.

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I… LOVE THIS. We need more stuff foliage can do. Maybe even some endgame thing for farming.

Foliage… I can imagine decorative foliage, kinda like thorns but more of a weave pattern?