Farming update

I… LOVE THIS. We need more stuff foliage can do. Maybe even some endgame thing for farming.

Foliage… I can imagine decorative foliage, kinda like thorns but more of a weave pattern?

I really want a bacon tree. That would make my life complete


Apple wood smoked bacon precured. Yuumm :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Lolz. AppleWOOD bacon … I love it

Did we just come up with a new tree to farm?!?!

We could call it the dboshou bacon tree. SHIP IT!

Or loubick. Either is fine with me

TM inc. lolz! Really though more variety of trees or food items in game would be more than welcome.

:bacon: throwback to mopig in pre-alpha!

Okay, in hindsight restriction on amount planted might not be a good thing, it would let those who can gather them charge high prices and be unfair to many.

I would love to see move varieties of trees, some that would have strange fruit that can be eaten or used in recipes. Some common ones on all planets and increase of rare ones on higher level, but have patches of them so it would be easier for lower level players to collect some.
Climbing vines, good and bad, they would be a pain to get around and tangle a player up as they run from a mob chasing them. If they had berries on them they might be good, like grape vines, they could be used to make a type of wine, give strength but can have a neg side effect if too much is drunk. In real life if you drink too much alcohol and you get drunk and are a danger to yourself and others, so there should be a consequence of drinking too much.
I am hoping, would beg, for the foliage to be used in some manner, they are a royal pain the in the rear, clutter up the inventory and when I drop them they seem to sneak back in. Dang stupid leaves lol. At the least compost.
Bacon would be nice, love bacon. don’t eat it often, cholesterol, but yummm. Remember my grandfather hanging pork to smoke to be cut up for bacon.

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Let it have fur or hair like a mop that could be woven into cloth in crafting and make clothes and other items.


Hi, I’m brand new to the game and still bumbling my way through this. I was a little disappointed to find out there is no farming mechanics in the game currently. I’m infering that this is planned for a future update? Some people here have expressed their concern that farming might not be useful or relevant. Here’s my idea. Add a new cooking block, (pot,oven call it whatever) that allows players to create dishes that give temporary buffs. I don’t know if this would overlap with brews which I think do something similar? Like I said I’m new and haven’t got that far.

Yes farming is the next big updating coming soon

Farming soon come. Maybe this update or next big update after that. No confirmation when exactly that I have seen

The furnace is used to cook food that give temporary buffs like brews.

I’m calling it now. Farming update will be to grow flowers that are used for dyes or paints.

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that would be great

Everything in pastels!!! Oh wait it already is…Everything in better colors!!! :pleading_face:

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If we could dye blocks and change their colours I’d be a happy camper.