Fix for people plotting next to your town

  1. For all guild aligned settlements or above if someone plots next to them that person will be prompted with a message saying that they will owe a weekly tax if they build next to the guild run settlement. The guild run settlement will not be able build next to another player run beacon without approval from them.
  2. The tax will be either a fixed amount or scaled based on number of plots or prestige.
  3. The person will have to pay the tax to the guilds main beacon which will be highlighted by a colored beam of light in the air (think Minecraft beacon) or just a glyph on the map. The beacon must be accessible by all at all times.
  4. If failure to pay in full after 4 weeks time the director of the guild run settlement /or above will be able to take control of the neighboring beacon. If payment is received after 4 weeks time and the director chose not to take control of the beacon the beacon owner will remain in full control of their beacon.

This change would only take effect for all new beacons merging with the guild run settlement all existing beacons will be grandfathered In and not be effected by the new tax. The director of the guild run settlement will have control to turn tax off or on and be able to lower it. But not raise it past it’s defined amount.

Then what if someone from that town or a random makes a road to my home then it will affect me :confused:

No it would send you a prompt message asking for your permission to allow them to build next to you.

ahh I see but it can also limet the town to expand in a certain direction / make holes if someone is making roads just outside the settlement area then it is the other way around that the city or those closest to it have to ask

A tribute system could be cool however any mechanic that allows another player to take control of someone’s beacon forcefully in my eyes won’t work.

That aspect almost makes it seem like extortion.

That being said I think that the main ideas with a little refining could be a decent suggestion.

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I’m game for some mobster style game play. All your base are belong to us. Pay me.


The idea of that is to prevent someone from connecting to your place and not paying there taxes. If I omit that part then there is no consequence for someone who is not paying their taxes. Ideally players should have to pay a tax to the guild run settlement or above. It would cover the cost of expansion and guild buffs.

No. No more plotting systems.


I get that part and agree there needs to be a consequence for not paying up.

I’m just saying that the proposed forceful control of a beacon doesn’t sit well with me.

Maybe find another consequence.
Just my 2c

Why should anyone have to pay to be part of a settlement? And why do guilds need to get a perk not available to other players? I really dislike this. It implies that the guild is special and is granting rights to a guild that non-guild members do not get. Being in a guild is not a requirement of the game. If you want to control who your neighbors are you might need to wait for rented planets. Then if it is this important to you and your guild you can fork out real money versus taking coin from other players just playing the game.


I fully support you not liking the idea it’s really ok.
HELP! Give us your opinion on automatic protection zones around beacons? The only thing different from what I posted and this post from the dev is I created a means of protected towns, creating a form of a gated community, and a means of creating capital to supply expansion, buffs and whatever else.
Just an idea. I guess it’s a bit on the real world side and this is a game after all oh well. Private planets for the win.

I guess the parts of your suggestion I have the most problems with are the tax and this being for guilds. The protection zones the developers have mentioned I am all for. I do not like forced merges even if a guild gets to keep its name because the person forcing the merge still can use the gained prestige to gain higher footfall.

Yea I like the option of denying someone from touching my land claim. Allows you to stay independent if you so choose.

Or gives a certain plot distance to keep natural landscape.

What if that guy build near your guild and create the other guild and win the prestige war and take the warden ?
At this point you will become the one who need to pay him the tax.
That will be a disaster :tired_face:

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