Flying bug?

Not sure how to report it, reproduce it etc… But I am flying… cant move, jump etc… but I am flying.
… going to close the game to force sanctum.

Oh, that happened to me the other day. I was running up a chiseled ramp and I just… Got stuck. Third person view i was just kinda… It looked like mid jump almost? A cuttletrunk decided i made a nice target, but I couldn’t fire at it or use my grapple to move. I don’t remember if I even took damage though. I don’t think so.

Had to completely close and reopen the game.

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May be this can be cause due to high graphics of the game, I think you should reinstall the game.

This happened to me i was running around and got stuck in falling animation around sloped terrain i was able to still go to sanctum and go back through portal

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No… Just no.

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Well, I truely want to know if this is not the case.

That’s not really how it works, so that is not the case.