Footfall with Guild Controlled Beacons not Reduce if Guild Members Visit

I am not certain if this is a common issue. Happy to hear peoples opinions below.

Suggestion: For Guild Controlled Beacons can we have footfall refresh if a guild member visits the beacon.

As a guild we are doing Guild Builds. Someone needs to Plot the space. Whoever that person is who plots the space may leave the game for a break. That is okay, the beacon is Guild Controlled. Even if their Gleam Club runs out, we can just refill their beacon and keep it going…it is after all a guild space.

However, overtime the FootFall will reduce to next to nothing (Dropping 90-95%) The only way to prevent this from happening is for that user to log on with that character and visit that beacon.

The person is on a break (or quit) we should have someone else replot it…since they have left we can’t unplot it so our only option is to watch it for months and let the beacon run out then quickly plot it with someone else. We don’t want to risk loosing our guild spaces and because of gleam club this can be a long time. So because of this the suggestion is to just have FF refresh since it is Guild Controlled.



And soon you won’t be able to replot anyway because of the reserved plots. I agree, don’t know why they collected all the disadvantages without fixing the problems.

You loose footfall from your guild members, but your guild cannot refresh the footfall decay timer.

Your guild can control the permissions but you can’t remove permissions from yourself (to protect you from destroy your build e.g. with the auto shot bug).

And your guild cannot change the plotting, which means you still have to go there all the time to change this.


feom what I’ve been told, and I could be wrong but guild members not giving footfall is a big which they are working to fix.

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James once posted in the forum that it’s on purpose but they might review it.

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kinda no need for this ff ban on guild members it since you can just not link the mayor ff plots to the guild and get ff from them so atm only people using this bypass get ff


I just want to clear up…I don’t care if guild members GIVE footfall.

This post is about a beacon being able to produce ANY footfall. If the owner of the beacon does not visit it every X number of days, it reduces the amount of footfall it generates.

So if you @Kaplah are in a guild with all your friends and plot a guild Hall that is Guild Controlled. And that Guild hall produces 10k footfall a week. But you take a break from the game for several months.

That Guild Hall…still active and a giant build that represents your guild…will slowly just start producing less and less footfall…even though your guild members are still active in it everyday. Eventually it will go from producing 10k, footfall a week…to 10 footfall a week.

That is what I am trying to have changed.

If a guild Controlled Beacon is being visited by guildmembers it should still continue to generate footfall.


I guess they want to prevent you from splitting something up in 50 1x1 beacons and a single person can refresh and collect the footfall for all them.


Going to bump this thread.

It comes up as an issue. As members leave the game, guilds keep going. We don’t want to have beacons run out and replot (less of an option with the new beacon saving that is coming since we then couldn’t let the beacon expire or we would loose the build entirely).

Guilds require coin to produce buffs. Footfall is a place we can gather that. Having FF refreshed by ANY active guild member for Guild Controlled builds only, would be amazing! <3


please allow guild members to refresh controlled beacons

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I don’t disagree.

But couldn’t you just visit the plot with a non-aligned alt? AFAIK you only have to visit the settlement, not touch every plot.

This is actually a huge deal.

I strongly support a change to allow guild member refreshing the visit timer.

There are many other things necessary (youve mentioned some problems in this post). But this would really help.


Strongly agree, it really puts a strain on guild funds.
Even if it was limited to guild execs as a compromise that would suffice


I strongly disagree that guild members should be able to refresh beacons. Footfall is already gamed to much (take a look at the TNT hub, every plot is on another beacon :-)). I don’t think that was the idea of footfall.

Now if a single player can also refresh them all and collect all the coins from all the beacons… why not just disable footfall for alts and increase footfall to compensate for it?

I’m fine with decreasing footfall for alts but increasing footfall per visit. This would reward builds getting footfall through active use.

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A lot of hubs do that. A lot of shops do that too. Malls as well. Odd to point a finger at one specific one


Because I answered to Mr. TNT. :slight_smile:

I know, most do it. I do it myself. I still would prefer if they kill it instead of making it easier (and I don’t want to level all 10 chars and change plotting, which I would do if it was that easy to keep up and collect the footfall of 10 chars.)

TNT isn’t a person it’s a collective. We are stronger together! Haha

But joking aside, I think the system is wonky but fine. Any major changes are more likely to break things than improve them. Do you really want a “compactness of footfall”?

Do I want it? Yes. Footfall is incredible unfair.

Do I think it would be good for the game? Yes.

Do I think the community would accept it and not riot over it? No.

But I also want free portals, so, who cares what I want. I’m not a game dev. :slight_smile:

If they did what you have suggested:
TNT would have to shut down some portals
Ult would have to shut down some portals
I would have to shut down some portals
Gyosha mall would have to shut down some portals

Is that really what you want? Fewer portals? I don’t think that would be good for the game.

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We would still have the same amount of Oort. The price might drop and other people would buy more Oort and run portals. I’m can’t see why we would have less portals. Maybe less portals from footfall tycoons?

Edit: Footfall scales with city prestige, with the number of your alts and indirect with the number of portals you run. Mechanics that scale quadratic are very dangerous.

On the other side, footfall doesn’t scale with your build size nor with how useful it is to other people (do they use one of your portals? how long do they stay in your beacon?)

Footfall is a tower defense mechanic. But it should be something that rewards useful/good builds, which it doesn’t, in my opinion.