Forging: Which of these do I really need to use?

Alright, vansten’s guide is basically perfect. Here is what I do on any forge.

You need a maxed forging character. Use a diamond stack (that is, if you want to forge topaz, put a diamond tool in the top of the stack, topaz as next. It will use the diamond tools’ effectiveness). I only forge 4 tools at a time maximum. Let’s me go long if things get dicey. Use all 24 advanced centraforge coils. You need every ounce you can get.

Effect gum
Longevity gum
Special gum
Vigor catalyst 2
Corrupt boon compound 1
Fate paste 2
Stability paste 2
Decon resin 3
Setting resin
Defect Removal Solvent 2

Here are my rules:

  1. if I get a boon that is wrong, decon and try again
  2. after I get the correct boon, immediately use vigor catalyst 2
  3. Fate paste takes priority over stability paste when vigor/stability are limited

Round 1/2: special gum
Round 3: stability paste 2
Round 4: fate paste 2
Round 5: corrupt boon compound 1
Decision point 1: if you got the “low blow” boon, keep going. If not, use decon resin and try again.
Round 6: vigor catalyst 2
Round 7/8: effect gum
Round 9: stability paste 2
Round 10: fate paste 2
Round 11: corrupt boon compound 1
Decision point 2: if you got the “devastating damage” boon, keep going. If not, decon resin and try again.
Round 12: vigor catalyst 2
Round 13/14: longevity gum
Round 15: stability paste 2
Round 16: fate paste 2
Round 17: corrupt boon compound 1
Decision point 3: if you got the “heavy duty” boon, you are in the home stretch. If not, decon resin and start over. :frowning:
At this point you should have three boons, no defects or defect points. It’s a good place to be.
You will do a cycle of:
Round 1: Gum (effect, special or longevity)
Round 2: stability paste 2
Round 3: fate paste 2
Round 4: corrupt boon compound 1
And vigor catalyst 2 on round 5-8. Then start back at one on THIS LIST. Don’t go over level 4 on special gum (this is the “all-rounder boon”) and try and get 10 in damage and at least 6 in durability. A 10 damage, 3x3, and 6+ durability is rank 330 if I recall correctly. That isn’t bad and you can make a stack of them in under an hour.

I’ve made up to 350s with this method and my “floor” is 320s.

It’s very reliable.


I would never toss a tool into the minter. Almost any forged item will be useful to someone. ie: If you were going for an AOE 3x3 hammer and end up with a glowing, random AOE, 6m auto harvester that squeaks - someone will buy it for a looter & use it during meteor hunts. If you get negative DMG, someone may have enough DMG skill & brews to still make it worth buying to them.

You can use vigor catalyst 2, fate paste, etc to make sure you get a clean forge with no defects or quirks. You can use deconstruct if the forge goes sideways on an expensive tool/weapon that you used a lot of items on (to get most of everything back and start over).


Loot, scoot, and boogy!

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The reason I suggest those is because they all get used in one way or another. If your looking to forge somthing specific in my guide, the dropdown tabs will tell you what exactly you need.