Forum decorum and shower thoughts

I’ve noticed a lot of hostility on these forums lately and wanted to give my thoughts as someone who still plays the game occasionally. If you think this might be a trigger for you, or you can’t be bothered to read a wall of text, I’d suggest ignoring this thread and doing something that makes you happy instead. I’m not here to generate more hostility.

I’ve been playing Boundless for a long time now. I’ve clocked around 1500 hours so far, and this is by far the most played game in a Steam library that numbers as many titles as I have hours in Boundless. I was obsessed with the game for a long time and it got me through some really rough patches in my life. Personal circumstances forced me to limit my playtime recently, but my enjoyment had been waning in recent months anyway due to having seen and done most of what the game currently offers. I still love the game and always will though.

I have so many fond memories of Boundless over the years. I still remember being the newbie who was proud of the little hut I’d built on a starter planet and being confused about how I was supposed to build a portal to visit another world. I had no idea portal hubs, malls or cities were even a thing, and the joy and amazment I felt the first time I discovered these things is still fresh in my mind. To find a city bustling with players, most of whom stopped to give me a friendly wave on my way past, was at once both amazing and humbling to me given what little I’d achieved at that point.

I made both friends and frenemies over the years, and eventually introduced my wife to the game. I would spend hours exploring settlements on far flung worlds and wandering around shops in giant malls looking for the best prices. Eventually I built my own mall, although I had limited success.

As the game changed over time, certain updates introduced things that both enriched the experience for me and took away some of the things that I felt were part of the magic. I still played constantly though and tried to see the positives in the changes when I could.

I joined the forums quite late into my time with the game, having been more visible in the Discord servers up until that point. I rarely posted here though, as there was always a certain element that seemed hostile toward whatever people posted, whether those posts were positive or negative. I can still feel the sting of being told the game didn’t need another mall or portal hub after proudly uploading screenshots of the result of months of work.

Recently however I’ve seen this toxicity reaching new heights with the advent of “leaving posts” and an increase in posts critical of the way development is progressing on the game. This hostility comes from both sides though, those who are dissatisfied with the current state of things and those who continue to play and enjoy the game.

I think it’s difficult for relatively new players to understand the significance of some of these posts, as if you’ve only recently started playing you’re still very much in the fun and exiting part of the experience. You probably don’t know who most of the people posting leaving posts are and why you should care that they’re going. You’re probably angry that they’re criticising a game that you love so much and feel that you need to jump to its defence. But many of these players are the very people who made the game what it is today and in some cases their leaving signals a big shift in the direction of the shared universe.

There are also those who have become disillusioned with the game who feel they need to “warn” others away from investing their time and money. Those people feel cheated or let down by the developers and are actually lashing out because they love the game. They want it to go back to the way it was in its heyday and are going about it in the wrong way.

Something called cognitive bias plays a huge part in all these interactions. When you’ve invested significant time or money in something, and you like that thing, you’re naturally inclined to only see the positives and dismiss the negatives as ill-informed. Similarly, if you’ve been burned by something you’ve invested in you have a tendency to focus on the negatives. Just look at reviews on Steam, Amazon, Yelp or any other similar website for good examples of this. The other thing to note is that cognitive bias isn’t a constant, it changes over time. You may love a product and sing its praises one day, but over time you may shift to the other side and only see problems.

I think we could all do with taking a step back occasionally and try to see things objectively. If there’s a post you strongly disagree with, first consider why the opinion you dislike was formed in the first place. Try to accept both negative and positive opinions, regardless of whether they correlate with your own. Above all, be nice to each other. We’re only here because we have a shared interest and it’s natural for some people to have a differing view.


Please pin this to the top of the forums.



This post is aimed at everyone, not just @grayhaze. Thoughts are my own and are opinions, not facts.

I know it’s been said many times, (including several times by me) but the only reason folks like myself, @Dhusk, and @ghandymarshall keep checking on things is because we still believe in the game and have hopes that someday things will change, @james will make some sort of announcement, and everything will be awesome again.

Any indications to the contrary are likely being misinterpreted. Speaking for myself now, anything that seems as though I’m trying to be negative or toxic about an individual’s experience is absolutely not intended as such but is rather more intended to be a final, desperate attempt at evoking some sort of reaction or eliciting some sort of news about the state of the game from the devs.

Feel free to read the above paragraph again if you need to because it’s important.

“Lashing out” carries a pretty large negative connotation that I don’t think is intended but I suppose it gets the point across.

I think anyone who is still here still cares about the game. So calling people names, telling someone that they don’t care, etc. is absolutely unhelpful. And I agree that it’s best sometimes to take a breath and try to see where folks come from.

Also remember that this is a forum. As long as content isn’t against the code of conduct or end user license agreement it’s more or less anything goes. If you don’t want to read a certain thread or hear from a certain person, then don’t. You can ignore users.

As for the leaving posts I agree with you. Some of these folks like @DKPuncherello and @Bethlehem/@Spoodle are community leaders and I think it only makes sense for them to get a farewell post to let their friends and others know what’s going on. But even for more minor folks if someone wants to announce a departure they have that right. You don’t have to agree with it but asking for things to be removed or flagging such threads feels to tread dangerously close to one-sided censorship, at least in my mind. And judging from the devs past posts I don’t think that’s something they’d even want.

(Ps perfect thread name. Literally typing this out before I hop in the shower after doing some yard work :laughing:)


Completely this here too, 100%. I really don’t like being negative, at least publicly. There are some things that have upset me here that I never have or will lay out on the board, just vent to trusted friends privately, as I see no point to bringing up where it might have a negative impact on the game. But the current situation and my recent negativity regarding it publicly, it is ENTIRELY intended to try to communicate to the devs that we see that something is very wrong here and if they truly still care about this game and community, we need to hear something.

Some others are trying to compare this to other games’ not communicating, but that isn’t a fair comparison to equate it to ones where the silence is the status quo. There was very obviously a massive shift in how things were going here. A regular event even came and went without happening and without a word. A lot more, I don’t think I need to go on, but the thing is, the only thing I can conclude at this point is either they have their hands tied on speaking for some reason or they are intentionally trying to get this game to die off. And if they want this game to die, if they’re over it and they consider it nothing but a burden that eats up precious time that could be used on the projects their hearts are in right now, I don’t feel right at all continuing to play it. And I think they need to hear how we feel on it. Just letting us know that yeah, things have come to a halt for now but they do still care about it and the game will stay up and running, would be enough satisfy some of us. I absolutely agree with the OP in always being nice to others. I have SO much respect for the work the devs do, and gratitude for it. I may come off a little hostile here but I feel some of this stuff really has to be said.

Agreed on the leaving posts too, I’d rather people let us know. Some provide valuable services to the community, and even those that don’t do as much, still may have formed connections with people here. One friend I made here completely disappeared without a word, and that hurt.


The subject matter isn’t the problem we active players have. It’s the content and comments within. The lies and disingenuously twisted facts in the posts. Anyone weighing in on this should know there is manipulation involved and that I and others like me aren’t coming out of nowhere with this frustration.

I’m sure we’re all good people. Wouldn’t hold any of this against anyone personally. I just thinking the mockery can simply come to an end if people choose to stop perpetuating it.


Good read. Waaaaay more intellectual than my shower thoughts, that’s for sure! :rofl:


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That sounds an awful lot like telling an ex that if they keep talking to that new person that you’ll hurt them- which is exactly why I think it gets met with such opposition. It’s simply inappropriate, no matter how you slice it.
So do you believe in boundless? Do you try to wreck other things for everyone else when these things don’t go your way?
It’s pretty hard to not be a little aggressive toward anyone who literally just said “I stir the pot to elicit a reaction”, so my apologies.


Hey we all make mistakes friend, apologies accepted!

If you find anywhere where I’ve purposefully made a post damaging this game please let me know and I’ll remove it immediately!

I absolutely don’t try to wreck things for others if something doesn’t go my way. I simply thought these forums were a free place for discussion on all aspects of the game. But if you can point out where pointing out things like communication, update progress, etc. is against either CoC or EULA please let me and both of our forum leaders know. That would for sure be the most efficient way to stop those kinds of posts!

You said what you said. Being within the technical confines of the COC (which isnt what I was talking about in the first place) doesn’t change the lack of maturity that action requires, which is why people react the way they do to those posts you guys make.
It’s a game. Play it and enjoy it, if you believe in it.

My point isn’t to shut up- you can complain all you would like! But your tactics earn the response they do because they are negative in nature. There are ways to approach those issues without resorting to “pay attention to me or I’ll act out”, and we all know this.


Let’s take this to IM my friend, I feel it may be disrupting @ciprianb’s original intent behind their post :blush:

Actually I think it follows right in step with greyhaze’s post.
There is no need to IM, that dialog will go nowhere.

As a side note, I’ll also point out that people who are like “myeh, I don’t wanna see all these leaving posts and drama threads when I come on the forum, you are disturbing my happy fun forum time, which is all rainbows and sunshine” are not helping one bit.

A big reason for the existence of leaving posts in the first place is issues with the game which are not being properly treated or acknowledged. It’s not people who decided “I just woke up and I feel like spreading some salt on the forums today, because why the f@#k not?”.


Not to mention that it takes two to tango. What one person may think is protecting their opinion is often what actually contributes to said drama. For those looking to avoid such a thing the best thing for them to do is not to help create it in the first place. Simply don’t read the leaving threads and critical feedback threads and move on with life :blush:


I have been on both sides of this, but may I add that leaving threads are nothing new. We have been watching those pop up since the start - and honestly they weren’t all bad because they did communicate significant changes that needed to be made to the game to better balance what they had and what the player base needed.

I felt personally back when I posted my leaving thread many attacked me for wanting attention, but that wasn’t the case. I see nothing wrong with conjuring a post about why you are leaving - as long as you keep your mind open to coming back and don’t use your position to curb stomp the game.

To all who are posting leaving threads, I wish you the best of luck and I hope the devs come through to make it a better game so you will come back like I have!
… also I could use your coins to help fund the economy, not begging just pointing out a good fact :wink:

I have been on both sides of this in many games. I have announced I was leaving other games at times mostly depending on how it would affect the community. If I the things I was leaving behind affected the community I was playing in I would at minimum explain the fact that I was leaving and make most attempts to not down the game as I always wanted to see whatever community I left flourish with or without me.

I also think many of the leaving threads produce worthwhile discussions about why they are leaving and how things could change to bring them back.

I only want to see the game continue in whatever state that may be and the include if and whenever I move on. I could care less what people do with their coins but I am in hopes that if people do truly leave that they give back to the community in whatever way they feel the need to.


I think the difference is the profile of those who leave. Recently, people who have left have been significant parts of the community. People who have shed A LOT of money into the game.
And you can tell between a “I’m leaving” and the general reaction is “m’kay… who are you?”
and the “I’m leaving and here’s why” followed by “OH NOES, NOT YOU TOO!”.

Well as to that, there are two sides to every story. There will always be a difference of opinion.
But leaving posts are nothing new. I’ve been seeing those for over 20 years across dozens of MMO’s.
I was ready to leave the game back in December and only stayed because people like @Bethlehem and @Spoodle invited me to join their wonderful community. I found a place to belong after jumping from guild to guild for over a year.

Brown Town is a big community of hundreds of members. Would you want the guild leaders to just suddenly leave without announcing anything? Huge plots of a city turned to ash over night without any notification, left in the dark?
The is the exact reason why these leaving posts are necessary. So that the other members can make preparations to make transitions to other guilds or keep the guild running under new leadership.

As to development? Yeah, we’re being critical. There has been no new updates in 8 months. No maintenance to the servers. Bugs are creeping in and not being fixed. Connection issues are growing. Some days lag is so bad that the game is unplayable.

Of the 18 Devs, only 2 are moderating, with the rest working at Larian Studios on Baldur’s Gate 3. The Devs have been silent on any further development. As far as the community knows, development for Boundless has ground to a halt.


I think you misunderstood my intention with that part of my post. I wasn’t criticising people for posting leaving posts or raising issues with the development. Quite the opposite in fact. I think these posts are valuable and the rest of the post explains this.

My issue was with the flame wars being started in the replies to these posts, by people on both sides of the fence.

Okay, now that I can understand. And I’m guilty in some of those. :innocent:

As someone who left, I often lurk the forums cuz I get the fun of seeing how all these great people are doing and opening a web browser is faster than opening Boundless :stuck_out_tongue:

As someone who thinks that the forum can be a very appealing part of the game, because you quickly meet many great people, I agree that reducing forum hostility is a great thing!

So I just want to remind people that anytime you disagree with someone and are trying to convince them otherwise, if you aren’t careful and gentle, there is a cost of producing hostility, even if that is not your intention at all. And that cost can be greater than the goals you are trying to achieve. And let’s be honest, who can really convince people of anything over the forum?

So this is just a reminder to remember that oftentimes the ends don’t justify the means. People are just gonna think and do what they’re gonna do, and repeating yourself having the same debates doesn’t achieve much. Which is sad :frowning: because sometimes there are things that suck but you can’t do anything about them and you gotta mourn it and move on.

Be nice, even if you’re right!