[RESOLVED] Forum title issues

i bought the game for 26 pounds on steam does that mean i,m a backer or do i need to do it from the website to be a backer if so i should have bought from the website

I’d say everyone who buys it before it’s released is a backer. So for me you are one^^

@KuroKuma But he doesn’t have his badge. Strange

Maybe it needs some time to register. He joined only 20 minutes ago. But indeed strange.

@KuroKuma I only said this because it was a problem with my account too, the system never saw me as an Explorer. While I already had bought the game.

Oh ok. Maybe @ben or @james can correct that for axemall if he really has the game.

i think i have another account that may be why the badge is not appearing i could be wrong and i do have the game

They can fix that too if you want to use this account instead of the other one.

i preffer my other accounts its in a safer place for email thx for heads up

To see your forum badge you’ll have to sign in using the account you use to play the game, and your survey will be sent to that address :blush: