Fullscreen is not working


When you press [ENTER], normally the game goes fullscreen.
This happens when I do that:

Changing resulotion ingame doesn’t fix that.

This happened with me today as well, but it’s only happened that one time.

Does a reboot fix this for you? Worked for me.

Just had an issue where the screen turned black when I went into fullscreen.

It looks like we reintroduced some bugs when we updated to Boundless. We should be able to update a fixed version next week.


I also experienced a bug where my stone hammer turned into a wooden hammer…

I fixed it myself. I play Counter-Strike with a 4:3 resolution. I had checked in my ATI Drivers that I use stretching.
After disabling it, Fullscreen is now working.

i’m sorry, but is that a crossbow?

Kinda like a crossbow. Its called slingbow and it can fire arrows.

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Another view for you:

The released hot fix should address this.

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Thank you <3

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it looks cool-ish. concept is really good though. some tweaks and it hould be on point. this is pre alpha so im sure they will do it

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I dont think it needs tweaks

If you had the chance to make it better you wouldnt?

It’s purely opinion either way, best not to waste time tweaking and re-tweaking old assets until after all of the other assets are in the game. It has been hinted at that there will be various colors and styles and models for a great deal of in game items, too- this may be the best fit for what they have in mind for this item.

yes i know, this is still pre-alpha, i always have that in mind. and off course they have more important matter to get to but i was just saying - and everytime i say something its always IMO. obviously - it needs tweaks would make it better, whenver the tweaks are, today, tomorrow, the day before the release, I just need it could be a at least a little cooler, becauser its cool even now.