Game is Dead posts on Steam (solved)

They should contact Steam Moderators and see if they can get him banned.

It’s clear he’s trolling at this point, and just bumping that thread up to the top every chance he gets.

The thing is he’s (I know his forum name and he’s an early backer if I am not mistaken) making those posts because there isn’t much to do outside of what we have right now to do in the game. I can relate to that sort of opinion. Dungeons (player made or pre-made) would help buy a lot of time while introducing other pieces of content, however, the problem with dungeons is it does involve a little bit of foundation work to be implemented before introducing that kind of content. Need creatures that aren’t wildlife-themed and more of a monster themed to inhabit those dungeons. We could use spawners that we craft form a workbench that requires 5000+ Power that allows us to create these sorts of dungeons.

Not saying dungeons are the absolute answer to this but the point I am making is a lack of content does merit some complaints. I just don’t think it justifies an opinionated position on the game dying. It isn’t. That’s a fact. It isn’t really growing either. It’s sort of in a limbo state but with each new content patch I think it attracts more players; either old ones that took a break or new ones that stumbled upon it on Steam or through a YouTube video (Jiivita comes to mind).

I don’t think banning the person from the Boundless Steam Forums necessarily the go-to response that should be taken with this kind of negativity. I think it’s a pretty important thing to look at is why he’s giving the game negative feedback like he is in those threads. Could it be that he’s irritated at the slow pace of which certain actual content pieces are being implemented? I can understand that. I’ve been critical and negative towards the game along those same lines. A lot of folks have. Negative feedback doesn’t always equal useless feedback.

I do believe that once the game is full of more content (Farming, Dungeons, Titans, Special Worlds, airships, etc.) then I think his outwards attitude towards the game that he is freely to express would change to a more positive tone. Just keep in mind that if all the developers hear all the time is how great they and their game is then it doesn’t really do them any good when something actually bad and unhealthy for the game gets implemented (bad forge changes that were proposed but then cancelled and still bomb mining is dead when it shouldn’t be).

I know I am not always the nicest person in this community, but coming from someone who struggles very hard to resist being an asshole to everyone on a regular basis I would suggest trying to keep an open mind when it comes to other people’s opinions. Truth often rests with a person’s personal experience and perceptive on something. My thread I posted a while back about remaking the forging system is a nice example of me taking in what other people said and had a very healthy discussion. I was pretty negative in that thread about forging and now I am kind of impartial about it all.


I’m with you on a lot of this…

To me, compared to our heights at release, this game is in fact dead. A ton less players now compared to then

I love this game, it has a special place in my heart… as a former guild master and at one time the wealthiest player in the game, I am now reduced to someone who pops in the forums once a month looking for some sign of an end game improvement…

Until then, I continue waiting… outside the game

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I understand some people’s frustration or disappointment over supposed lack of content or small player base etc., but to continuously post negatively fueled info (and a big part of it is extremely subjective and misleading) is not helping.

If someone wants the game to be better then criticize constructively and try to see and promote potential of this game.

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I’m not supporting the person who the OP is talking about, to persistantly whine without any constructive criticism is in fact useless, we are in agreement.

I have however on numerous occasions offered significant amounts of constructive criticism here on these forums about what an endgame minded player would like to see. They get good responses from players, but the devs ignore them.

It does leave me feeling like “end game” content is very, very far off and that’s why @james and co don’t respond to such things (in my experience! As I mentioned in another thread, I am gone since two months and its possible they have since replied to OTHER people’s threads in this regard)

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My guess is, there’s little new content because they keep spending all their time implementing spaghetti code guild systems, fixing beacon bugs, and trying to jam footfall into the game.

Think how much more content we’d have if they had designed Guilds as a separate system accessible through the menu like many other games?

Just look for a guild, click “join” and you’re in. No beacon nonsense.

Give people the ability to opt in and out of settlement merges.

And instead of footfall, just implement a universal basic income, as well as enable footfall only for plots that have portals on them (to fund portal networks).

Just look at the patch notes, look at the support threads, the game’s code is a complete mess, with bugs everywhere, all because they refuse to simplify the game mechanics. It’s one of the reasons I quit months ago, and I’m waiting until I can just play the game solo and not have to deal with all the rubber banding, bugs, grind, and limitations.

Not to mention how much time is spent on balancing the forge. Think how much content we’d have if they never bothered with the Forge in the first place, and all tools had set recipes to them. Want AOE Hammer? Make one. Want a hammer with a ton of durability? Make one.

Whaoh, the thread was deleted, I wonder if Steam Moderation decided it was trolling.

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This = 100%.

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Eh I don’t agree with a lot of this myself.

I don’t mind almost all of the game’s existing mechanics. And grind - what grind? This game is insanely easy to get whatever you want. I have like 20k of every material in existence and I haven’t played in over 2 months!

I just don’t think the game has anywhere near enough to offer when you’ve plowed through the basic crafting and forging progression. Monsters lack challenge, and I have nothing to achieve. If there were dungeons or titans or something else, I would play :man_shrugging:

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I dont think they will ever be able to add enough to keep the diehards hooked. Titans, dungeons, farming, etc do not solve the conundrum of getting someone who has 20k of every single material in existence hooked for more than short spurts here and there. At this pace, you could wait a year (instead of two months) and still not have enough content.

Well, there are couple ways to do that i think.
For example “grinding”, if we can get some rare outfit drop by mobs or requires some rare materials to craft.
This can be one of great goal for end game players to work on.
Some good things for us to show off, and make other people want to get involve to grind when they see it.

Right now the grinding system in this game is like we grind for the same tools or more tools. It’s really a weird cycle. We need some rare items to add into the game, and only 10% - 20% of players in game can get it. Those thing can bring the value of items and motive for end game players to spent there time.

Personally i love to grind in other game, but not in Boundless.
Bring some meaning for us to grind, I believe a lot of end game players will back, this can be one of the end game content as well.

This concept can apply not only on outfit, can also be building materials / special forge effect / …etc.

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There’s never been a game in history that meets the content consumption demands of its most active players. To think that Boundless is going to be any different is silly. Humans will always figure out the underlying principles of a given system until it becomes rote and mundane. The only time this doesn’t happen is PvP, where the content is other humans and they can continue to outsmart one another to infinity.

Some gamers play Boundless for a month, consume all the new content, then go off and play some new game and consume all its content. Maybe they come back in a few months to squeeze out some more juice. Meanwhile the intrinsically motivated players are quietly building cathedrals or lava fortresses, investing in the player infrastructure, and just generally keeping busy with their own ideas.

Who are the devs going to cater to? The people playing every day and enjoying the game or the people who show up once a month just to demand new content and call the devs names and critique their coding skills?

Trick question! They’re going to cater to the players who give them the most money. Tricked you again! The players who spend the most money in the long run are always the most highly engaged players who never go anywhere.

It’s clear which player type the devs are cultivating. If you think they’re actually gonna stop what they’re doing and spend a quarter creating monsters and dungeons, some loot tables, and then attract the swarm of content locusts who will be complaining on the forums 2 weeks later that they’re tired of repeating dungeons for 2% drop rates, you might be mistaking this dev team for Destiny’s dev team. That business model doesn’t work.

TBH I think they should take the Titan stuff out of their marketing and shoot a more realistic trailer. They’re attracting customers who are inevitably disappointed. Better to focus on what the game is actually catering to and find those players. My guess is the Titans are still years away. If they stop to build it now it will either be heavily compromised or further fracture players’ expectation of the game.

There’s no such thing as a game that is about both beams&poles and fighting Titans. One of them will be in service of the other. And like I said before, the beams&poles people are the ones logging in every day and actually playing the game. So I think it’s already been decided which will serve which.


I agree with your post, but I have to point out there is an MMORPG sandbox voxel that does exactly all of this. :wink:

Oh I mean in the sense that it’s about both of them. It’s like nuts & gum. The two don’t mix. There can be a beams&poles game where you fight Titans for better beams, or there can be a Titans game where you put down beams&poles for advantages fighting Titans. Just like how I secretly like one of my cats better than the other one :hear_no_evil:


You can build a home, you can build a club, you can build a home in your club, you can dig, you can defeat enemies & dungeons…and every 4 hours an alert comes across the screen letting you know “titans” have landed so you can find and defeat them. The “titans” give you realllly good/rare drops used to craft some rare things.

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For shame! All fur babies should be loved equally!

(does not follow own words) :sweat_smile:


Maybe they can show up on the compass? I’d hate to run around like a loon and never see it before some lucky group takes it down. Maybe even make it passive and immune to attacks for 10 minutes to give players time to prep and show up

They only land in certain biomes and they spawn for 15 minutes. I have zero idea about how BL plans to do their’s tho - I hope they still do them at some point.

I played a game called city of heroes (May it rest in piece) it had boss fights that were perfect. A few lower tier “titans” that small groups could take down and a massive one that was in the middle of an open area that required several teams to come and take down we are talking over 50 people and since it’s in an open area the frame rate wasn’t completely destroyed.
They spawned a couple times a day and just roamed the map. The giant one was stationary and spawn at longer intervals. Something like this would be perfect enough for starter titans.