game theme

what is your favorite board game?


God that’s a hard one! I really enjoy the castles of mad king Ludwig. Roll for the galaxy if fun. Pompii is a great two player game.
Dominion is also a go to for me.
They stoped fitting in the game closet a long time ago.


There were some good titles over the years, but it would take too long to try and remember them all and try to decide which ones were my favorite ones, so I will focus on most current discoveries (games bought and played over last few years).

Tried Lord Of The Rings last week - quite complex and time consuming game play; tiring to learn but rewarding and enjoyable when the rules are finally learnt

Still, it’s Transforming Mars that has been my favorite over last months - rules clear enough to learn fast and game play is fast and engaging; balanced well as different strategies can give you a win; and all that without any extensions (looking forward to trying at least 2 of them soon).

Been playing Shogun last couple of years too - second favorite after Mars.

Tried a couple of zombie board games but didn’t get too excited about them.

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