Garbage Disposal

Hey guys, ever had your inventory and storage full of stuff that you don’t really want/use anymore? Wouldn’t it be awesome instead of throwing everything on the ground, only to be picked up the second you move, to actually have a device in which you can throw all your garbage? Maybe it could even create a little bit of spark in the process? Although not sure about this since it might become more convenient to throw anything in there to create spark rather than using the actual core. But anyway, something that makes your trash disappear instantly.


Great idea.
It doesn’t even have to be a device tho, I’d even take a simple “delete item” inventory slot (like the one we used to have):


Put 4 workbenches in a square for disposal when full break it with full inv and let it despawn thats how we do it in aquatopia


I remember always having a fire or single lava block integrated into my workshop in minecraft to throw stuff into. :grin:

I miss burning stuff. :fire:


I guess you could make a garbage shute, like a hole where you can throw stuff in and they will fall down. And then you cant accidently pick them up. But yeah, some way of deleting things directly would be nice, but not very important to me.


I had something like this. It was a door that led to a ledge outside near the top of the mountain. I just threw stuff off it. Worked really well.


I always look for ridge like spot so thrown away stuff falls down and far away from me. Sometime into water and then it would float away.

It would be better to have sth designed for it though - indeed. :sunglasses:

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We have a lake. There have been many portal tokens, spare totems, and random seeds sent “down river”. :joy:

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So that’s where the landfill came from. lol

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i have a door in my underwater crafting area for this very purpose XD… i just open it and stand next to the water… anything thrown out floats up to the surface and safely away from me ^^