Getting points after max levels

I just want to make sure if it is normal to still getting skill points after reaching the 300 skill points allowed for 3 skill sets.

I believe this is normal, I don’t think the game limits how many skill points you gain, just for the fact you are leveling fairly and earning what is promised

Doesn’t really affect anything, but I would like to see if there could be some special additions they could add for like turning in any spare skill points :thinking:

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Jesus. There I am struggling to hit 50 and there’s people at over 300.

I need to get my act together cue rocky montage music

It should continue though. At least for the cubits.


may i ask if the exp needed per level still increases after 50?

Past 50 it is 200k xp per level.

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But you get 4 points per level and not 2. They patched it.

300 skill points would be level 100, but also its Gorilla… he just does these things, truly a god among men.


Obviously I’m not dedicating enough time to this, but I did get a late start, and spend too much time between alts.

To myself: All I’m hearing is excuses and not enough boundless


Same here. I would play more, but stupid work taking 10 hours and sleep taking 2. Plus food and other BS.

But I’m off all next week, and I know what I’m doing!


Boundless players should be exempt from work imo. We got more important things to do :joy:

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See that’s where you’re going wrong, 2 whole hours sleep? Can shave that down to a 10 min nap for a couple more hours grinding!


I’d like to see the patch notes. So there’s 4 SP for lvl up now? I almost cannot believe that…Too beautiful to be true

4 points per level after level 50. It definitely makes getting points for skill sets more viable.

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ah, i see…how unfortunate
well, im still lvl 25 :]

From the patch notes:

For after level 50.

If you hit max level 100, and 300 skill points does that mean everything is unlocked? Skills unlocked everything?

Nah you can’t get everything with 3 skill sets

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