Give us a pity update with a few new items to tide us over

Three or four block types - maybe seamless metal and something with wicker

Three or four furnishings - maybe a bed and a few types of wall sconces (lamps)

Doesn’t have to be a huge update

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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With the EULA being updated I’d put money on there at least being an informational post / testing release of rental worlds within the month.


I’m okay at the moment. Doing a lot of building after gleambow.

If an update drops then that is just icing.

Also playing some deep rock galactic off and on. Fun game.

So I’m a “meh” vote



Wasn’t updated though? Last it was updated was 2018… maybe you mean with it coming to light again?

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Rental Worlds, I still have no idea if I’ll get one or not, because communication from the devs on that upcoming feature is scarce. Even with a blueprint feature added to it, I don’t really see myself moving the Raxxian Sanctuary to my own rental world. I’d likely start an entirely new project there… blueprints would help with such a new project, too.
But without blueprints, Rental Worlds aren’t super interesting to me. :man_shrugging:
I’d still say that I’m more interested in getting a handful of new blocks or props.

So anyway, I’m with DK on this.
Recent additions were the emojis, a few holiday updates, and lots of under-the-hood stuff that doesn’t concern everyone. I’m having a hard time finding the drive to play the game, right now.
Plus, not many people seem to be interested in joining my Emporium project, and after the time spent to make it, I’m a bit ‘meh’ right now. Maybe I should cancel it and start it over from scratch… :confused:

Talking about rental worlds, i never understood how beneficial they are to the game experience (as a whole MMO thing) aside from giving people space to be freely creative so yeah that doesn’t interest me one bit. It actually scares me in case half the current players just flee there and leave the game empty.


That’s why I’m cautious, yeah : we don’t know much about them.

If most rental worlds end-up being private and outside of the universe, that could be an issue for the game’s future (like more new players going “myeh, the game’s dead, I see nobody”.
Rental worlds might also mean that the players with GleamClub would likely start doing stuff on rental worlds and abandon their old builds on the public universe = more GC’d abandoned builds.

I would hope the devs would communicate every step of the way with the community in regards to how rental worlds would work so we’d get a better idea of what they’re planing.

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Currently from what I understand, rental worlds will be connected to the live universe and accessible to all, but you’ll need perms from the owner to plot.

I am cooking popcorn from now for all the drama and complications :joy:.


Don’t worry I’ll be here to hoard gleam with you.

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On people’s own rented planets because we are bad… bad Oortian pirates

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I’m just greedy I guess, I want to place some new blocks on my own rental world! :smiley:

Well, quite a few planets are empty (of players) a lot of the time anyway, what’s a few more players that go missing and are on their rental worlds instead? Especially if they are public ones which I’m kinda hoping that most will be…


I had an idea a while back which I also posted about and I hope they implement it or something similar to it.

Creative worlds have to be outside our universe, but what if we could visit them with a completely locked inventory. We can do all the fantastic interactive content people, who can script (and/or who can use scripts made by others, a thing I would love to do, am perhaps not creative enough to come up with great content on my own, but I can most certainly make the tools for others to do so!), can come up with but we can’t take any blocks or items back.

… except… one specific item we CAN take back! A voucher! As proof that we did finish George’s (@georgegroeg) scary as heck new creative world reaper trials for instance!
And heck, imagine what Ovis (@Ovis) can do with a scriptable world, yikes!! :slight_smile:

Once we are back in the normal universe we can then exchange that voucher using a new shop stand which accepts vouchers instead of coin to get out price. This price is then a normal universe item!

That way it’s both separate and it’s not! We then should have the ability to portal to them, etc.

I think we all would love this idea or one that is similar to it!

Of course I also so, so, so hope they extend the scripting/modding stuff much further and that eventually they can also move some scripts/mods to the Live servers if they work well and do not stress the servers too much…