Gleam Club ideas

First I would like to say I do not have Gleam Club , I only have one tiny portal and way more than enough to to fuel it for year . No I haven’t read every single thread to see if any of this was already talked about .
This came to my mind solely as a way of added $$ for game development . What if you increased the price of Gleam Club or add an extra tier that would give your portal fuel a percentage bonus of time ? Doesn’t even need to be that much . Other ideas would be cosmetic which other people have mentioned or make a tradable token for gleam club that could sold for coin in game , I don’t know that it would work for this particular game but I have played other games that have sellable subscription tokens and it has worked quite well .


Usually there’s a lot of naysayers on anything to do with gleam club and portals. The argument “ it will ruin the economy”

Oh and the “that’s pay to win”

I would buy that in a heartbeat. And I have Gleamclub :grin:


Yeah, I’d buy it.


Being able to sell gleam club time to other players for coin would be awesome and create an unpaid market for a paid good. This is how warframe’s paid currency works and it allows their entire playerbase to thrive.


I thought about that and do not think it would be P2W as it would still cost you a relatively good amount of oort to fuel the portal . Any percentages the devs came up with I am sure would be with a realistic range so that it wouldn’t devalue the market for Oort.


I don’t think there is any such thing as pay to win in this game. But there’s people who don’t even like the auto fuel on GC because it’s “pay to win” lol. And they will be loud enough(even tho they are a small amount of people) to prevent any actual progress on getting more stuff to GC members. Even tho it could help the game grow because of the added income.


I get that it’s frustrating to be opposed by a vocal minority, but it’s probably a better idea to keep the discussion open until a better solution is found than to sweep a “vocal minority” under the rug and impose our will on it. Just a thing history has taught me.


I would pay money for a gleam club item that i can sell to others for coin, similar to PLEX in Eve Online and WoW Tokens in World of Warcraft.

If you still had to pay the initial oort to open the portal but it didnt cost anything after that, i wouldnt care.

I would even feel it be acceptable if it was an add on to the current gleam club.


You can buy plots for real money that’s more P2W then getting some extra hours out of portal fuel


How about gleam club allowing portals to have extra fuel in them, we still need the oort but we can put more in, would have replace the ichor item

what if it also auto fueled portals. That would be the best! @james @Leahlemoncakes @vdragon etc.
edit: COMPLETE. Complete auto fuel would be the best! Not having to hunt or buy fuel for 2k


I would support a percentage reduction of how much oort stone/anagram we need to fuel a portal with gleam club (or gleam club plus). Even if it was just 25% less oort needed, it would be so nice and could generate some extra revenue for the dev team.


Whether you think its pay2win or not, its not worth the risk of having anything 'pay2win’y in the game. Games should not smell of pay2win on any level in my opinion. That will deter people instantly, just think of the amount of “pay2win” comments about Boundless because they see someone open a coffer…

Poor people get to escape the reminder of their financial disadvantage in the real world by being able to be ‘successful’ in a virtual one. Leave it at that :ok_hand:


The main source of advancement , expansion and development in this game is plots which are sold for real life money .


I’d argue that the main sort of advancement in this game is the stuff you put inside the plots. I’m currently sat on a bunch of excess cubits/plots and I haven’t bought a single plot for actual money.

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i dont see how arguing about P2W is helping this conversation . Extending portal fuel time by reasonable amounts is in no way P2W.


I was merely giving a counter to the numerous ‘pay2win’ comments above. I’ll happily leave the conversation here but you can’t say (see quote) because it is in fact ‘a’ way. ‘By how much? And is that worth the pay2win brand’ is the talking point of that suggestion. I use GC, so it would benefit me, I’m just trying to be objective :slight_smile:

You already have the pay to win brand

Which can be disputed with a bit of information. However, it would be hard to argue a “pay2win free zone” with something such as extra Oort Shards for people who pay money.