Gleam Signs... How?

So just started making some Gleam Signs for my build. First time making Gleam Signs… does the color of the gleam determine the font tint? I used White Gleam and the text is white as well… which is really difficult to read.

To change the font color you need Gleam Club, and that is unaffected by the color of the gleam used to to make the sign.

The color of the gleam used should affect the color of the sign itself.


Wait, you’re saying to change the color of the font on a Gleam Sign module I placed in my shop I need Gleam Club? I mean, I have Gleam Club… but that seems nuts. If that is the case… how do I change the color?

it’s a bug it should be black. @james


you ahve to either use the color name or the color hex code prior the text you wanna change.

Like this :#black: SomeTEXT


Okay, that’s how I do it in chat… you can do the same on signs?

(Someone correct me if I’m wrong but) All font in the game defaults to black, including chat font. You can change font color only if you have gleam club. So all signs in the game, including gleam signs, will have black font unless you have gleam club and apply the text Gorillastomp mentioned.

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  • You need to type a colon
  • then the color hex code
  • then another colon
  • then the text

:#hexcode:Your Sign Name

#fff = white
#000 = black
#0afcf4 = cyan

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I did not change the gleam sign color at all. I made white gleam signs, placed them, and the font is white. I can barely read it.

My bad I didn’t read your full post! Misunderstood the problem. Shouldn’t be browsing the forums while trying to get work done also I guess! Lol

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No worries. Thanks for replying either way :slight_smile:

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It may be. I did nothing but place it.

Different material signs have different logic for the text colour.

(Off the top of my head) emissive signs (Gleam and Metal) always use white text, non emissive signs (Wood and Stone) pick white if the sign tint is dark, and black if the sign tint is light.

If you want to use the richtext customisation (colour + emojis) then you need GC.


Off topic question have you switched bloom off and seen how the signs look? Generally the game looks better with bloom off(imo of course)

You can use:

#RRGGBB = an RGB hex colour
#XX = standard Boundless colour palette index, so 228 = E4 = white

You can also use the names of the standard Boundless colours so “white”.


maybe not required in your case but id give it a shot, if you just got gleam club or recently without restarting your client it might cause the issue, have you done so?

are you sure about this?
i’m pretty sure white text color is the basic text color for gleam signs O_o

(wooded signs get the black color)

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:+1: I prefer the hex code or short code because it usually takes up less characters (since it counts towards the character limit) - but since it automatically converts now, maybe the char limit doesn’t matter anymore really?

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I think certain sign colors have black or white text depending how dark or light the sign color is.
Example: Black signs have white text


I thought gleam sing would use the same logic of the base sign while dark color sign gets white and lighter color gets black. James stated in his post there is a different logic for them.

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