Grappling Course

Anyone built a grappling hook obstacle course? I am thinking of something more horizontal then vertical with a lot of swinging. It’s going to take a lot of plots or a lot of unconnected beacons that are a pain to upkeep given all the blank space I need between grapple points. Im planning on building it assuming an emerald grappling hook. I dont want to spend the time on it if something like it already exisists. Thanks.

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Was gonna make one with trampoline and slides butt the slide mechanics is broken atm

Watching your stream is actually what got me hooked (pun not intended) on swinging everwhere and wanting to build this. Slides are a bit disapointing right now. Have to always be on an angle or you run out of momentum.

people watch my stream… ??


I was thinking about making one but… So many builds… so little time XD


there was one on Vulpto, built by @Arkefyre, combining swing blocks in the air to grapple to and ice slides
long gone - it was dope though

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at Elyria (portal seekers HQ ) we are working hard to make a dangerous but fun grapple road :slight_smile: just watch out for the lava and it is still under construction

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Over lava was my first thought but I am going to start with over water so people with out death penalty reduction are willing to do it too. Spent a few hours last night picking out a deserted stretch of water so that it isn’t an eye sore to anyone. Definetly will check out your road tonight.


well if you go to munteen you have these floating islands. these are great for it!

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Im making a highway into a raceway

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I was going to start a new thread and then I found this. So here is my idea that I was going to start as a unique discussion but apparently there are others who are as insane as me. So please check out the video I made about this since I am terrible at explaining things. . . although I now think the video was probably more complicated. LOL!

P.S. (I know, shush Creegle you need to calm down.)


Neat idea. Really need a feature added where you can view your character from a fixed side view to make it a true 2d platformer. The hard part about the grapples is that some have such an incredible range that you would have to make things huge to be at all challenging. Need some sort of suppression field object where you can edit the properties or prevent the use if things within its range.

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great stuff now all ya need is a themepark :wink:
s on plaza for a longtime and pretty hard to master
maybe ill bring it back for old time sake :wink: