i have better idea i put a spot there where you can see that person is waiting to hunt
if hes sitting there on the time i put in the post
Please don’t vote pander
what you mean?
Asking for or begging for likes in exchange for something. It defeats the purpose of them. It’s also a bit unethical.
im sorry didn mean to do something unethical just wanted to now if people like the idea
Yes I know, just ask for comments or create a poll. Setting “like” goals is sketchy and makes you look like a desperate you-tuber, haha
you right i put up a new post for it
lolz thanks for pointing that out
i would not want to be the givemelikesguy hahahaha
Event takes place in exactly 24 hours from this moment
@Betulix @Perun @142857 @Mr-Kensday @Xaldafax @BunnyNabbit @Kal-El @Initiols @ctrl-64 @DoomsdayKnight
@Ayaranthe @DNArthur @Haradim @Nedaryn @Smidge @Siegfried @lesley64 @dwarvenname @TwistedFoot @cutty
Will most certainly try to make it! I have the possibility of having company over, so if i don’t have anything at that time you can be sure I’ll be there
I’m quite positive I can join in this event but only for a few hours. Anyway, I’ll make sure to bring my stone slingbow with me!
I would like to unsubscribe from this mailing list
@Karokendo But I though it would be at a round hour and not at xx:30PM
@Initiols Time of the event has not changed
Plan on showing up
the time isiint showing for me… what time is this taking place?
Convert it to your local time.
In my timezone event takes place at 7pm Warsaw Time
can you re-post time and place I lost it some how?