GUIDE: 2.4 milion exp/hour // 3600 cubits/hour // 120 plots/hour

Modified it a little bit :joy:

Some people just want to watch how the world burns :slightly_smiling_face: Don’t worry, there are 2 more methods to get this amount of exp.


:joy: :joy:


This isnt exactly a begginers guide. You’d have to grind for weeks to get all the things in the list you need to make this happen.

The games not all that grindy after youve already grinded for 200 hours.


Titanium chisel + fast brew + high exp yield blocks on plotted territory is also good but pointless exp. They gotta be careful with exp nerfs because levelin ain’t fun.

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haha fortnite xD not for a nite thats one game i would never play haha


Hmmm…I think I like you


Agreed. I was thinking that someone above said “this is why the hammer nerf is incoming,” but you have to grind out so much before you’re able to implement this exp farming method anyways.

Oh? Please, do tell :smirk:

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Good job with breaking this down Karo :+1:

Personally I think this does need a nerf, as it encourages people to just go afk. Also if you can get exp THIS easily with this method, then it kinda makes the point of “why do other things to get exp” - if exp is the only thing you’re after.

But mad props for:


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What hammer nerf?

I’m fairly certain this ‘guide’ was posted months ago and we’ve openly talked about it for some time lol. The argument of keeping it this way at the time was that it takes so long to get to that point that if you’re leveling alts the stone exp grind is mind numbing enough for someone to go through. He amount of tedious things you need to do to set this up is in itself a beast.

That said, I guess it’s good to bring exposure to it again so that anyone who still didn’t know this was a preferred leveling method knows about it now?

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I believe the math is wrong, how many rocks did you actually get in one hour of doing this ?

It’s confusing since the math is completely wrong, it looks like all hypothetical, well it is since the math doesn’t add up at all.

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switch to anohter alt!

Problem solved :smiley:

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Original post

@JohnDeW 400 blocks in 1 minute * 60 minutes * 9 blocks = 216000

Oooh here we go.

I will never understand why people have such a problem with others playing this game efficiently. Any time someone explains an efficient way of doing something, everyone cries for nerfs. This mostly started after launch.

If I go out and work to get all of the setup items necessary to do something like this, and I really wanted to spend even an hour mindlessly grinding down rock, and then go through a ton of crafting tables left-clicking for twenty minutes, by all means I should be rewarded for it. How is this going to be nerfed without also hurting the casual player? Remove experience from crafting rock? Remove experience for mining? Remove Teaching Pie? Persisting Pie? Fast Brew? Remove the Forge altogether? You know what? I say we go back to the beginning of Early Access when we didn’t have any of this. I say we remove skills, and experience. Then nobody will complain about needing nerfs. Also, nobody will play. :wink:

I’m not meaning to specifically target you, deen. Just talking in general. I don’t think this is at all unbalanced. Takes a lot just to get to this point. Also, I’ve tried this with a less-efficient method, and it was one of the most boring things I’ve ever done in Boundless. Good experience, yeah. But even then I wouldn’t do it for long unless I wanted some extra plots for a specific build.

Nerfing this would hurt the game. Let players play the game efficiently if they want to.

Deep breath in and out whew


True, after all these are all just plots. It will take you like a week to use these 120 and you won’t have power to do it over next week. Grinding stones is like a job, it’s not fun at all. At some point you have so much stuff that only real factor is how much time you have to build and actually enjoy the game.

There is no way to nerf it without breaking any other aspect of the game… but god forbid making 9 hit drop no stones…

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Boundless is just a complex game. There’s a lot to it. Players will always find the best ways to do something with the tools they are given. They shouldn’t be constantly punished for it. (Like they were for bomb mining. Not to bring that back up.) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Which planet tier are you recommending @Karokendo

I recommend trying gleam mining after you have enough stones.
Just by mining it is easy to get 250k xp (144xp with 9xhammer & exp pie active) per 12-15min and refining that gleam gives another spike of same sort of xp (600xp with pie per mass cycle).
And then you get ugly prestige weapons for the game and of course placing gives 24xp per block with pie :smiley:

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This can be done on any planet you can one-hit Rock with an Emerald Hammer.

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