[Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner

Can someone post instructions for me on 2 things

Lucent Damage, AOE, Durability Bombs

Lucent T6, Durability, Auto Harvest Building Hammers

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You need a a Tutorial for those 2 @BabyCookie ?

Will try to make one Tutorial

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I wanna only sell Dmg bombs even though you don’t see them on the market to often kinda wanna make it availble on the market

They blow up giant Circles perfect for my market Mwahahahaha


Will make on Weekend , i am very busy with work


Can’t put durability on bombs sadly… unless you cheese it with the wonky trigger quirk… but, definitely don’t want to do that with damage bombs… xD

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Thats true IT could be pain in your Base :wink::wink::wink:

i keep forgetting to try bombs for excavating below my shop in dkmall…

does anyone know specifically what steps i need to take to complete the tutorial that’s roughly like “add healing boon to bombs”? i’m hoping there’s more tutorials after that but i’ve felt clueless every time i start to start to tackle that objective

This method works well

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This has been extraordinarily helpful, thank you!

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Can someone make a guide like Vansteen-chans for
T1 3x3 Speed & Durability hammers

Same as above. Keep orange, white and red gums. Swap protection with boon removal 1 (or keep it depending on targeted rank). One fate round instead of two.

Another possibility is Quirks, some quirks will add stuff. For instance Wonky Trigger will +400 Durability

Anyone got a recipe for clear weather totems? I do them so infrequently, I forget what to do. I thught if it was in this thread, I could check back and not have to bother people :wink:

Is there a way other than putting on some quirk points, and using transmute, removal, or decon until you get the one you want?

I remember whatever I did involved quirk removal. In theory, the tool I am after is auto-loot and glow AND clear weather. So, I suspect it’s a blend of using boons at the start that add quirks easily, swapping the quirk until one gets the right one, out then doing a regular recipe for loot sticks. Just wasn’t sure if there was a better, cool way…

Yeah just pick a compound that has quirk points and do the regular lootstick forge. Quirk Removal 1 is cheap IIRC, and draining boon gives quirk points without defect points. If you’re using that one you probably want some vigour catalyst.

There’s so many quirks though it might still turn into a race.

To be clear I haven’t tried to forge these either, since the week they came out. 100% not expert advice here :rofl:

I can only give advice ish for normal loot and glow Totems unfortunately

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And you need to accumulate a bunch of vigour, 100 vigour per reroll with quirky remover. Good luck, took me 1h30 to make two stacks of loosticks with clear weather

It’s the last 3 videos in this post

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Going out from what I think I used back then for normal loot Totems, I was still unlucky, but saw something like that also used from other forgers… and add/change what I think needs to happen in order to get a weather totem, would be that ingredient list:

Glow gum, special gum, fade paste, boon paste, quirk removal solvent 1/2, vigor catalyst, drain compound, corrupt compound/pure boon compound, set resin, deconstruction resin.

There’s of course different ways, and you still need to deconstruct OR set resin and delete out of task list (you lose used materials but not the tools). But something like that recipe I would try out myself.

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