Guilds and Beacons

Wow… I didn’t know that it was possible to get this feeling from an idea… But i am thoroughly and completely disgusted by it. I don’t even know where to respond. I wouldn’t mind a “contract” system for builds. But this? This isn’t a guild. this is just… Vile.

@olliepurkiss @ben is this what you want to go for? “join 60 guilds for building”? I read it completely differently when looking at this and the QA guild thread but i can clearly see how you could get that idea. i need answers!

i want to explain the difference of what isee

Work together. not build together
Group projects. This might very well mean build together
The last sentence hints of some sort of guild progression system.

Considering that the game consists not exclusively of building. i dont believe this would be the phrase they would use.

It is mentioned that this is also covered here

First is building. Second is something else, seems like economic power.

Also considering they say “guilds will compete for world dominance” i think that goes against guilds being those small building contracts that you suggest you read it as. But its a matter of interpretation.