H.O.D. T4 Hunt

Thank you to everyone that came to the hunt :smiley:. It was fun!


It was fun hanging out with you all. I’ll definitely jump in more in the future :blush:


Harbingers of Death Hunt
T4 Niibin
Led by Vanq
1 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 7:30pm EST to 8:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best Bows: Any

Make sure to bring Loot Stick, Revive Brews/Augments.

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Thank you to everyone that made the hunt :smiley:

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Thanks for taking us!

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Harbingers of Death Hunt
T4 Niibin
Led by Vanq
1 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 6:30pm EST to 7:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best Bows: Any

Make sure to bring Loot Stick, Revive Brews/Augments.

Awesome Hunt, Thank you to everyone that came to the hunt and thank you to @EmBee for letting us use her planet :smiley: was a good time


You’re welcome. I think I’ll keep the planet. :smiley: She was designed for sweet bean farming, but I’m glad we got to keep her company for a little while.
Thanks for leading.


Harbingers of Death Hunt
T6 Atreyu
Led by Vanq
4 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 7:30pm EST to 8:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best Bows: Topaz, Diamond, Sapphire or Rift
Note: There is a lot of water on this planet, but I’ll have a Gleampops to help with navigation

Make sure you have a 40m or up grapple, Loot Stick, Revive Brews/Augments, Chests and campfires.

Thank you to everyone that came to the hunt :slight_smile:


Thank you @PixelatedTwix for letting us use her planet.


Anything for the crew!


Harbingers of Death Hunt
Led by Vanq
1 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 6:30pm EST to 7:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best weapons is : Any

Make sure to bring Revive Brews/Augments and a Loot Stick


Let’s goooo! I’m ready!

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Thank you to everyone that made it out tonight for the hunt :smiley:

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Harbingers of Death Hunt
T4 Niibin
20 People Max
Led by Vanq
1 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 7:30pm EST to 8:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best weapons is : Any

Make sure to bring Revive Brews/Augments and a Loot Stick

Thanks to everyone that came :slight_smile:

Harbingers of Death Hunt
T4 Niibin
20 People Max
Led by Vanq
1 Caustic protection required
Running Hunt
At 6:30pm EST to 7:30pm EST (1 HR hunt)
Meet us in Harbingers of Death on Cephonex Merika
In the Hunt Tower
Accessible from : Dragon World Hub, Galatic Gateway Hub - Cephonex Merika Portal, The Hive - Cephonex Merika Portal, Viking’s Portal Hub, Sasqutchville, Towers of Power, Fantesy Tree, Deathgate and Em’s 3rd Try
Best weapons is : Any

Make sure to bring Revive Brews/Augments and a Loot Stick

Thanks to everyone that made it to the hunt, was fun :slight_smile:


Good hunt. Short and sweet. :slight_smile: Thanks for leading @Vanqu1sher

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