Have an option to float by default in water (jump to dive)

Especially where lag is a thing. Drowning due to lag is pretty infuriating. This would also make hunting wayyyyyy more fun.

At least give us an option!


I would like to add making the default swim speed the sprint speed. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m actually going top speed in the water and I have to switch back and forth a few times To make sure.


Yes, the subtle difference between swim speeds is possibly the most frustrating thing I deal with regularly, and it’s the worst during gleambows. I’ll click L3 5 times before I’m sure I’m going faster.

Also strongly agree with OP- would be a huge improvement for building in water, and it would simply be a relief when I’m looking for meteors/bows, or at the atlas, or eating food, to not have to contort my hands to hold X down the whole time. It’s like a solo game of Twister. Like I should be singing itsy bitsy spider while I do it.


Love the idea for me let’s take the ps4 controller as an example) u press L3 to run. it would make common sense if u press L3 in water to dive?


Couldn’t agree more, on PS4, you have to be very dexterous to swim and aim your grapple, especially when you have huge hands like mine (12 inch hand span.)


Oh yeah, I was running around with @Lesioui a few days ago and we ran into a peak of lag that made me rubberband into water and I was unable to swim/stay to the surface, so I drowned. I was SOOOOO pi$$ed when that happened, I wanted to scream in rage!
DEFINITELY wish that would work differently!


Lets not get lazy now. We don’t default float in real life.


Well actually we do. If you lay on your back in water and relax you float. :rofl:


I guess that is a good view for meteors.

But no time for relaxation gogogogogo!!!


There’s always time for relaxa… sorry spotted a gleambow. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


On PC some times swimming gets into a locked state when opening the inventory while swimming. happen last night while working with plots in the water… was pretty sweet until i had to swim down and then couldnt repeat it… :frowning:


I hope games I play don’t become like real life. I play game because they are not real life. Lol. Grapples are not real life but we have them in game.maybe u better not grapple anymore. Don’t be lazy…Hahaha joking around of coarse.

Grapples exist IRL. Marines etc use them to rappel. There’s even ones with motors that reel in and out. @Sterbehilfe back me up here.

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Hahaha nothing even close to grapples in game. Good try…lol

quick plug as a PS4 user, I have a keyboard that i just hold down on my spacebar with a toe like it is twister to stay above water- I realize how ridiculous this is but :man_shrugging:


looool new idea- get an electronic drum set and sync the pads to game functions so you can just hold down the kick drum to swim


I use an aftermarket controller(currently the Astro C40) and I have the under right side button as X so fairly easy to do anything I need while staying afloat in the water.

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„Jump to dive“ ?

Getting out of water is annoying enough as it is, the jump button should cause you to try jump out of the water regardless of the situation and should not also have yet another conditional added on top of it for diving.

Otherwise I support the rest of the idea.


Yep and babies will even float and roll on their back. I took my kids to a swim learning meet for babies lol.
It’s amazing what we are hard wired with.


We did use some rope grapples in training yes, and the motorized ones were used on D-Day actually to scale the cliffs. But we never got to use those type. Hard to find a use for the motorized ones in a middle eastern desert.

Back on topic; I agree with @Trundamere here. But, if there is another button you could assign to “dive” then that could definitely work out with float by default.

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