Having a choice to be found by friends

hey could it be an option to choose if i want to be found in the game
i encountered this problem
that moebius has become to popular(couldn find a word that doesnt make me say im popular lol)
cause its beginning to become an issue with the growing playerbase
i have this big friend list cause off my role in the game but sometimes i need some alone time its getting to much sometimes

maybe ghostmode or a block warp to a friend thing

if someone knows a way around this please tell me

i know i can make an incognito alt but moebs is a good builder :smile:


I would definitely enjoy an “appear offline” option as well. Especially when trying to record specific sequences for videos. It’s not a hugely important thing, but it would be a nice QOL thing. :slight_smile:


Actually this is a really good idea cuz the first thing I do every time I log in is check to see if @DanBeforeTime or @the-moebius is online so I can get their autograph. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but seriously though this is a great idea. I fully support it.


I think when you appear offline on Steam you don’t get bothered, could be wrong though. Or, you could just let everyone know to leave you alone. I like my solace too and generally only look for someone if I have something to give them that I know they need.

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You were broken earlier @Cookviper and I had a great time popping my head over the ledge everytime I passed through Steam City to laugh at your character sitting on a ledge staring wistfully to the horizon :joy:


Being offline in steam wouldn’t change it, I don’t think. The game checks whether you are logged in to the game, and then displays you as online, no matter your preference on steam