Help with crafting better blocks

Noob here, Ubernoob to be specific.

I can’t seem to figure out how to craft the better looking blocks.

Can someone point me in the direction of a resources to figure this out; i prefer to learn on my own. I did try looking for this information on the Googlez unsuccessfully.

I am assuming there is a skill or tool I need, or something I have no knowledge of yet.


There are a couple of different directions to go in - bricks, or refined.

The latter is probably easier. First of all you make stones out of the basic rock using the Crafting Table.
Then you make Refined Rock from the stones using the Refinery.

Bricks is a bit more involved - you need to mix the stones with clay soil in the mixer, and this requires spark. You then cook them in a furnace to make the bricks.

I’m <4 hours new to Boundless. I apologize. I have no idea what most of that means.

Do you have a visual resource?

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Boundlesscrafting.Com is your new best friend!

Some of the better looking blocks are going to require you to craft a few additional machines you probably don’t have yet. A refinery will turn stones into refined stone, and a workbench will engrave decorative patterns into that stone. You will need advanced block recipes to make decorative stones, as well as the technology skill to make a spark core to generate the spark needed for the recipe.


eughhhhh what is that capitalisation @Havok40k? :joy:


My phone’s auto-correct. I’ve long since given up fighting it…


You need a refinery to make refined blocks (good lucking blocks), and in many cases you also need a compactor to compact the blocks before refining them. You can craft the compactor and refinery in the crafting table if you have unlocked the required skill.